COMMITTEE:   Environmental Regulation 

TIME & DATE: 1:30 PM or upon final adjourn./recess
Wednesday, April 13, 2011 

PLACE:       E2.030 
CHAIR:       Rep. Wayne Smith 


HB 1037       Otto | et al.
Relating to the creation of an alternative fuel program to be funded by the Texas emissions reduction plan fund.

HB 1403       Rodriguez, Eddie       
Relating to eligibility to participate in the low-income vehicle repair assistance, retrofit, and accelerated vehicle retirement program.

HB 1906       Howard, Donna          
Relating to the idling of motor vehicles; providing a criminal penalty.

HB 2030       Madden                 
Relating to the use of money made available to certain counties by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for local initiative air quality projects.

HB 2490       Solomons               
Relating to the regulation of certain metal dealers; providing criminal penalties.

HB 2639       Chisum                 
Relating to motor vehicle inspections that employ remote sensing equipment.

HB 2832       Smith, Wayne           
Relating to the idling of motor vehicles.

HB 3196       Coleman                
Relating to requirements related to the reporting of emissions events by certain regulated entities under the Clean Air Act.

HB 3399       Legler                 
Relating to the requirements for certain grant programs funded through the Texas emissions reduction plan.

HB 3541       Smith, Wayne           
Relating to requirements to meet national ambient air quality standards.