COMMITTEE:   Government Efficiency & Reform 

TIME & DATE: 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess
Thursday, April 14, 2011 

PLACE:       E1.014 
CHAIR:       Rep. Bill Callegari 


HB 2657       King, Tracy O.
Relating to nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted codes, to the nonsubstantive codification or disposition of various laws omitted from enacted codes, and to conforming codifications enacted by the 81st Legislature to other Acts of that legislature.

HB 3149       Torres | et al.
Relating to the adoption of the Six Sigma method by state agencies for the purpose of estimates and reports

HB 2865       Harper-Brown
Relating to the management of the state vehicle fleet.

HB 3425       Zedler
Relating to a continuous improvement process at state agencies.

HB 3684       Callegari
Relating to evaluating and providing for efficient government resource allocation.

Although written testimony will not be considered a part of the record, persons wishing to distribute handouts may do so by providing no fewer than 15 copies to the Committee Clerk when called to testify.


*The Chair reserves the privilege to call bills out of order of the agenda based on witness availability and the business needs of the committee.