COMMITTEE:   Insurance 

TIME & DATE: 1:30 PM or upon final adjourn./recess
Tuesday, April 12, 2011 

PLACE:       E2.026 
CHAIR:       Rep. John Smithee 


The Committee may consider any pending business and the following:


HB 758        Eiland
Relating to certain limitations in health benefit plans and health insurance policies.

HB 1355       Orr | et al.
Relating to title insurance coverage for certain damage to the surface of land.

HB 1534       Eiland
Relating to regulation of certain health care provider network contract arrangements.

HB 1842       Coleman
Relating to prior approval of residential property insurance rates of certain insurers.

HB 2010       Smithee
Relating to indemnification provisions in construction contracts.

HB 2136       Guillen
Relating to regional contracted brokers and subcontractors of regional contracted brokers providing Medicaid nonemergency medical transportation services.

HB 2147       Eiland
Relating to the regulation of certain transactions related to life insurance and related products; providing penalties.

HB 2151       Eiland
Relating to annual renewal of a Texas windstorm insurance policy.

HB 2165       Perry | et al.
Relating to the establishment of a medical reinsurance system and to certain insurance reforms necessary to the efficient operation of that system; providing an administrative penalty.

HB 2336       Smithee
Relating to payment of and disclosures related to certain ambulatory surgical center charges.

HB 2655       Sheets
Relating to notice of coverage reduction on renewal of a property/casualty insurance policy.

HB 2697       Eiland
Relating to payment of out-of-network ambulatory surgery benefits by certain health benefit plans.

HB 2699       Eiland
Relating to the requirements for an insurance adjuster license.

HB 2834       Smithee
Relating to insurer receivership.

HB 2835       Smithee
Relating to the functions of insurance holding company systems.

HB 2838       Smithee
Relating to the regulation of title insurance rates.

HB 2840       Smithee
Relating to petitions for judicial review of orders on excessive or unfairly discriminatory residential property premium rates.

HB 2922       Smithee
Relating to the refund of excessively or unfairly discriminatory premiums paid for certain personal lines of insurance.

HB 3148       Torres
Relating to the issuance of windstorm and hail insurance policies by the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association for property located in certain flood zones.

HB 3150       Torres
Relating to the recovery of damages in a cause of action brought against the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association.

HB 3161       Hancock
Relating to limited purpose subsidiary life insurance companies.

HB 3410       Smithee
Relating to the underwriting authority of certain surplus lines insurance agents and to the collection of surplus lines insurance premium taxes in certain circumstances.

HB 3458       Eiland
Relating to the registration with the Texas Department of Insurance of certain contract examiners.

HB 3589       Hancock
Relating to claim-handling deadlines in the event of certain weather-related catastrophes or natural disasters.

HB 3794       Burkett
Relating to disputes under insurance policies.