COMMITTEE:   Pensions, Investments & Financial Services 

TIME & DATE: 8:00 AM, Tuesday, March 29, 2011 

PLACE:       E2.014 
CHAIR:       Rep. Vicki Truitt 


HB 246        Johnson | et al.
Relating to the eligibility for service retirement annuities of certain elected officials convicted of certain crimes.

HB 1608       Strama
Relating to participation in and contributions to the state employee charitable campaign by retired state employees.

HB 1820       Anderson, Rodney
Relating to the number of hours certain employees must work to be eligible to participate in the Texas Municipal Retirement System.

HB 2029       Flynn
Relating to the sale of a cemetery plot; providing penalties.

HB 2251       Bonnen
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Public Finance Authority.

HB 2342       Truitt
Relating to certain violations of and offenses under The Securities Act; providing penalties.

HB 2495       Hernandez Luna
Relating to cemeteries and perpetual care cemetery corporations.

HB 2559       Truitt
Relating to commercial motor vehicle installment sales.

HB 2561       Eissler
Relating to the definition of "school year" for purposes of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.

HB 2931       Woolley
Relating to debt cancellation agreements.

HB 3004       Nash
Relating to prepaid funeral benefits contracts and the prepaid funeral contract guaranty fund.