COMMITTEE:   Pensions, Investments & Financial Services 

TIME & DATE: 8:00 AM, Tuesday, April 05, 2011 

PLACE:       E2.014 
CHAIR:       Rep. Vicki Truitt 


HB 159        Raymond
Relating to the resumption of employment by certain retirees within the Texas Municipal Retirement System.

HB 1434       Strama
Relating to contributions to the retirement systems for certain police officers in certain municipalities.

HB 2226       Truitt
Relating to authorized investments for governmental entities.

HB 2460       Truitt
Relating to confidentiality of information held by a public retirement system.

HB 2731       Truitt
Relating to contributions to, benefits from, and administration of certain public retirement systems; providing penalties.

HB 3100       Orr
Relating to employee contributions to the Employees Retirement System of Texas.

HCR 99        Truitt
Requesting the lieutenant governor and the speaker to create a joint interim committee to study the benefits, including health insurance, retirement programs, and other benefits, of active and retired state employees.

HJR 127       Truitt
Proposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting the use of state funds to pay for the obligations of a local public retirement system.