COMMITTEE:   Pensions, Investments & Financial Services 

TIME & DATE: 8:00 AM, Tuesday, April 19, 2011 

PLACE:       E2.014 
CHAIR:       Rep. Vicki Truitt 


HB 390        Gonzales, Veronica
Relating to the service retirement annuity for appellate judges under the Judicial Retirement System Plan Two.

HB 925        Bonnen
Relating to credit in the Texas Municipal Retirement System for certain service as a reserve police officer.

HB 3353       Truitt
Relating to the resumption of service by retirees under the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.

HB 3354       Truitt
Relating to the administration of and benefits payable by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas and to certain domestic relations orders.

HB 3355       Truitt
Relating to purchase of service credit in the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.

HB 3373       Murphy
Relating to state contribution to the cost of certain dependents' participation in the group benefits program for state employees and their dependents.

HB 3472       Patrick, Diane
Relating to the ethics and financial disclosure requirements of members of the governing board, officers, and employees of certain public retirement systems and officers and employees of a nonprofit corporation for investment of the permanent university fund.

HB 3542       Gonzales, Larry | et al.
Relating to a supplemental payment for retirees of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas and the unfunded actuarial liabilities allowed under that system.

HB 3633       Legler
Relating to participation in retirement programs by certain employees.

HB 3820       Giddings
Relating to a consumer's option to prevent the sale of the consumer's financial information by a financial institution; providing a civil penalty.