COMMITTEE:   Public Education 

TIME & DATE: 2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess
Tuesday, March 01, 2011 

PLACE:       E2.036
CHAIR:       Rep. Rob Eissler 


HB 24         Guillen
Relating to placement of a student in a disciplinary alternative education program for bullying or cyber-bullying.

HB 135        Villarreal
Relating to field experience requirements for educator certification.

HB 224        Strama | et al.
Relating to bullying, including cyberbullying, in public schools.

HB 233        Hochberg | et al.
Relating to requirements for students to be assessed in certain subjects and in certain grades.

HB 336        Marquez
Relating to the filing and posting on the Internet of reports of political contributions and expenditures required in connection with the office of member of the board of trustees of certain school districts.

HB 734        Patrick, Diane
Relating to the jurisdiction of constitutional county courts over truancy cases and the appointment of magistrates to hear truancy cases in certain counties.

The order bills are heard is at the discretion of the Chairman. 


Testimony maybe limited to three (3) minutes.