COMMITTEE:   Public Education 

TIME & DATE: 2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 

PLACE:       E2.036 
CHAIR:       Rep. Rob Eissler 


HB 359        Allen
Relating to the use of corporal punishment in public schools.


HB 400        Eissler
Relating to flexibility for public schools to administer primary and secondary education efficiently.

HB 500        Eissler | et al.
Relating to end-of-course assessment instruments administered to  public high school students.

HB 916        Allen | et al.
Relating to corporal punishment in public schools.

HB 1076       Shelton | et al.
Relating to the student to teacher ratio applicable to accelerated instruction groups for certain public school students.

HB 1326       Guillen
Relating to authorization to operate school districts on the basis of a four-day instructional week.

HB 1334       Allen
Relating to the effect of a delay by the State Board for Educator Certification in renewing an educator's certification.

HB 1589       Eissler
Relating to the study of productivity and cost-effectiveness in public education.

HB 1632       Gonzales, Larry
Relating to the dates by which public school teachers must provide notification of resignation from employment.

HB 1703       Martinez Fischer
Relating to the schedule for administration of state-administered assessment instruments in public schools.


HB 1833       Shelton
Relating to notice requirements for certain hearings and meetings of the board of trustees of a school district.

HB 1834       Shelton
Relating to elimination of certain requirements for increasing community awareness of prekindergarten programs offered by or in partnership with school districts.

The order the bills are heard is at the discretion of the Chairman.

Public Testimony is limited to  three (3) minutes.