COMMITTEE:   Public Education 

TIME & DATE: 9:00 AM, Friday, June 03, 2011 

PLACE:       E2.036 
CHAIR:       Rep. Rob Eissler 


HB 19         Aycock
Relating to hearings on public school educator contracts.

HB 21         Shelton
Relating to the reduction in force of teachers employed by a school district.

HB 20         Huberty
Relating to notice required for termination of a teacher's probationary contract or nonrenewal of a teacher's term contract.

HB 18         Eissler
Relating to elementary class size limits in public schools.

HB 6          Eissler
Relating to the foundation curriculum, the establishment of the instructional materials allotment, the adoption, review, and purchase of instructional materials and technological equipment for public schools, and the administration of state assessment instruments to public school students.

The Chair reserves the privilege to call bills out of order of the agenda based on witness availability and the business needs of the committee.


Although written testimony will not be considered a part of the record, persons wishing to distribute handouts may do so by providing no fewer than 15 copies to the Committee Clerk when called to testify.


Public Testimony is limited to three (3) minutes.



Notice of this meeting was announced from the house floor.