COMMITTEE:   Ways & Means 

TIME & DATE: 2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess
Monday, April 18, 2011 

PLACE:       E2.014 
CHAIR:       Rep. Harvey Hilderbran 


HB 199        Parker
Relating to exemptions from the sales tax for clothing, footwear, and certain other items for a limited period.

HB 872        Davis, Yvonne
Relating to the right of a person exempt from registration as a property tax consultant who files a protest with the appraisal review board on behalf of a property owner to receive notices from the board regarding the property subject to the protest.

HB 889        Lewis | et al.
Relating to the appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of a real property interest in oil or gas in place.

HB 1115       Paxton
Relating to a franchise or insurance premium tax credit for contributions made to certain nonprofit educational assistance organizations.

HB 1384       Kleinschmidt
Relating to the eligibility of land for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land on the basis of its use for wildlife management.

HB 1437       Eissler
Relating to the guarantee of open-enrollment charter school bonds by the permanent school fund.

HB 1628       Larson | et al.
Relating to the crediting of appropriated funds from the collection of taxes imposed on the sale of sporting goods.

HB 1717       Garza | et al.
Relating to the selection of the board of directors of an appraisal district.

HB 1733       Ritter
Relating to the appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of open-space land devoted to water stewardship purposes on the basis of its productive capacity.

HJR 107       Ritter
Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of open-space land devoted to water stewardship purposes on the basis of its productive capacity.

HB 2016       Martinez Fischer
Relating to the operation of certain rapid transit authorities, including the power to repeal the local sales and use tax exemption for telecommunications services and the use of revenue from the tax.

HB 2078       Villarreal
Relating to appraisal review board members.

HB 2169       Aycock
Relating to the authority of the governing body of a taxing unit to rescind a discount for early payment of ad valorem taxes.

HB 2187       Davis, John
Relating to the imposition of and a limitation on the sales tax imposed on certain vessels.

HB 2280       Eiland
Relating to the composition of the permanent advisory committee to advise the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality regarding the implementation of the ad valorem tax exemption for pollution control property.

HB 2353       Madden
Relating to a franchise or insurance premium tax credit for contributions made to certain educational assistance organizations.

HB 2696       Eiland
Relating to the application of the limit on appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes to an improvement that is a replacement structure for a structure that was rendered uninhabitable or unusable by a casualty or by wind or water damage.

HB 3012       Giddings
Relating to the exemption from the sales tax for certain school art supplies during limited periods.

HB 3036       Alvarado
Relating to the municipal street maintenance sales tax.

HB 3104       Simpson
Relating to precious metal coins.

HB 3307       Munoz, Jr.
Relating to the confidentiality of certain home address information in ad valorem tax appraisal records.

HB 3335       Pena
Relating to the amount of certain general obligation bonds authorized to be issued to provide financial assistance for colonia access roadway projects to serve border colonias.

HJR 141       Pena
Proposing a constitutional amendment regarding the authorization of certain general obligation bonds or notes to provide financial assistance to counties for roadway projects to serve colonias.

HB 3476       Carter
Relating to a franchise tax credit for certain taxable entities that recruit new taxable entities to this state or that relocate to this state.

HB 3552       Garza
Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of property used to provide low-income or moderate-income housing.

HB 3703       Raymond
Relating to the use of certain aviation and air transportation-related tax proceeds for aviation facilities development.

HB 3797       Gallego
Relating to the validation of the creation, operation, and dissolution of, and certain acts related to, a venue project.