COMMITTEE:    Intergovernmental Relations 

TIME & DATE:  9:30 AM, Wednesday, March 09, 2011 

PLACE:        E1.028 (Hearing Room) 
CHAIR:        Senator Royce West 



SB 101        Van de Putte | et al.
Relating to prohibiting nonjudicial foreclosure by a property owners' association on residences owned by certain members of the military.

SB 310        Seliger
Relating to the Dallam-Hartley Counties Hospital District.

SB 311        Seliger
Relating to the authority of the board of directors of the Ochiltree County Hospital District to employ health care providers.

SB 398        Duncan
Relating to the board of hospital managers of the Lubbock County Hospital District.

SB 490        Fraser
Relating to the Hamilton County Hospital District.

SB 494        Fraser
Relating to the authority of certain local governmental entities to borrow money for a public hospital.

SB 558        Duncan
Relating to the Swisher Memorial Hospital District.

SB 559        Duncan
Relating to the Rankin County Hospital District.

SB 761        West
Relating to the employment of physicians by certain hospitals associated with nonprofit fraternal organizations.