COMMITTEE:    Intergovernmental Relations 

TIME & DATE:  9:30 AM, Wednesday, March 30, 2011 

PLACE:        E1.028 (Hearing Room) 
CHAIR:        Senator Royce West 



SB 60         Zaffirini
Relating to disposition of proceeds from the development or sale of the rights to natural resources or minerals in land held by Webb County for the county permanent school fund.

SB 233        Deuell
Relating to the creation of the Rowlett Pecan Grove Management District; providing authority to impose a tax, levy an assessment, and issue bonds.

SB 234        Deuell                 
Relating to the creation of the Rowlett Downtown Management District; providing authority to impose a tax, levy an assessment, and issue bonds.

SB 402        West
Relating to community land trusts.

SB 412        West
Relating to payment of costs of improvements of a public improvement district designated by a municipality or county.

SB 577        Duncan
Relating to the use of facsimile signatures for certain documents involving certain municipalities.

SB 915        Wentworth
Relating to the ad valorem taxation of manufactured homes.

SB 917        Wentworth
Relating to emergency service districts.

SB 1030       Carona
Relating to notice by sign requirement for sexually oriented businesses.

SB 1251       Gallegos
Relating to the board of directors of the Greater East End Management District.

SB 1268       Whitmire
Relating to the right of sheriff's departments in certain counties to maintain local control over wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment.

SB 1352       Watson
Relating to the powers of certain hospital districts regarding district properties and facilities.

SB 1369       West
Relating to the boundaries and financing of a public improvement district.

SJR 6         Zaffirini
Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the disposition of proceeds from the development or sale of the rights to natural resources or minerals in land held by Webb County for the county permanent school fund.



Bills added after last posting:

SB 60

SB 577



Bills deleted after last posting:

SB 1253


** See Committee Coordinator for previous versions of the schedule **