COMMITTEE:    Economic Development 

TIME & DATE:  1:30 PM or upon adjournment
Thursday, May 12, 2011 

PLACE:        Senator Jackson's Desk 
CHAIR:        Senator Mike Jackson 



HB 970        Gonzales, Larry | et al.     SP: Ogden
Relating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy tax revenue to enhance and upgrade coliseums and multiuse facilities in certain municipalities.

HB 990        Rodriguez, Eddie        SP: Watson
Relating to certain homestead preservation reinvestment zones.

HB 1040       Gallego                 SP: Uresti
Relating to the validation of the creation of, and certain acts related to, a venue project.

HB 1178       Flynn                   SP: Birdwell
Relating to employment protection for members of the state military forces.

HB 1245       Callegari               SP: Birdwell
Relating to the repeal of the authorization to establish a super collider facility research authority.

HB 1643       Zerwas                  SP: Hegar
Relating to the duration of a development agreement governing land in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of certain municipalities.

HB 1711       Davis, John             SP: Jackson
Relating to disaster remediation contracts.

HB 2579       Davis, John | et al.    SP: Deuell
Relating to relief for certain employers from penalties and sanctions under the Texas Unemployment Compensation Act.

HB 2853       Davis, John | et al.    SP: Jackson
Relating to tax increment financing.

HB 3302       Reynolds | et al.       SP: Hegar
Relating to the authority of certain Type A economic development corporations to undertake certain categories of projects.

HB 3465       Sheffield               SP: Fraser
Relating to the period for which a school district's participation in certain tax increment financing reinvestment zones may be taken into account in determining the total taxable value of property in the school district.