COMMITTEE:    Education 

TIME & DATE:  8:30 AM, Tuesday, May 17, 2011 

PLACE:        E1.028 (Hearing Room) 
CHAIR:        Senator Florence Shapiro 



HB 692        Farias                  SP: Van de Putte
Relating to high school graduation requirements for a student who is unable to participate in physical activity due to disability or illness.

HB 742        Hunter                  SP: Hinojosa
Relating to student information required to be provided at the time of enrollment in public schools.

HB 826        Farias                  SP: Zaffirini
Relating to facilitating the enrollment in or transfer to a public school district of a student in the conservatorship of the state.

HB 968        Strama                  SP: Watson
Relating to expulsion from school or placement in a disciplinary alternative education program.

HB 1334       Allen                   SP: Davis
Relating to the effect of a delay by the State Board for Educator Certification in renewing an educator's certification.

HB 1834       Shelton                 SP: Shapiro
Relating to elimination of certain requirements for increasing community awareness of prekindergarten programs offered by or in partnership with school districts.

HB 1942       Patrick, Diane | et al. SP: Van de Putte
Relating to bullying in public schools.

HB 2135       Hochberg | et al.       SP: Patrick
Relating to the administration of end-of-course assessment instruments to public school students enrolled below the high school level.

HB 2366       Truitt                  SP: Nelson
Relating to the authority of an open-enrollment charter school operated by a municipality to give a preference in admissions to children of employees of the municipality.

HB 2909       Branch                  SP: Shapiro
Relating to increasing awareness in this state of the importance of higher education.

HB 2971       Smith, Todd             SP: Davis
Relating to the confidentiality of documents evaluating the performance of public school teachers and administrators.

HB 3278       Shelton                 SP: Shapiro
Relating to membership of the commissioner of education and the Texas Education Agency in certain advisory committees, commissions, task forces, and other similar entities.

HB 3468       Patrick, Diane | et al. SP: Shapiro
Relating to the assessment of public school students for college readiness and developmental education courses to prepare students for college-level coursework.

HB 3506       Villarreal              SP: Davis
Relating to the use of transportation allotment funds by school districts to provide bus passes or cards to certain students.

SB 1813       Zaffirini              
Relating to the state definition of public school.

Pending Bills:


HB 500        Eissler | et al.        SP: Shapiro
Relating to state-adopted assessment instruments administered to  public school students.

Public testimony will be limited to 3 minutes per person.




Bills added after last posting:

HB 968


** See Committee Coordinator for previous versions of the schedule **