COMMITTEE:    Education 

TIME & DATE:  8:30 AM, Thursday, May 19, 2011 

PLACE:        E1.028 (Hearing Room) 
CHAIR:        Senator Florence Shapiro 



HB 127        Alvarado | et al.       SP: Uresti
Relating to the types of beverages that may be sold to students on public school campuses.

NOTE: In addition to the previously posted bills, the above bill will be considered at 4:20 PM or upon suspension of the posting rule.


HB 398        Jackson, Jim            SP: Hegar
Relating to the eligibility of employees convicted of certain offenses to provide services under a contract with a public school.

HB 675        Lucio III | et al.      SP: Lucio
Relating to football helmet safety requirements in public schools.

HB 1224       Reynolds                SP: Huffman
Relating to expulsion of a public school student who commits certain criminal acts involving a computer, computer network, or computer system owned by or operated on behalf of a school district.

HB 1335       Allen | et al.          SP: Van de Putte
Relating to certain resources available to teachers of a public school student with a disability under the statewide plan for delivery of services to public school students with disabilities.

HB 1386       Coleman | et al.        SP: Ellis
Relating to the public health threat presented by youth suicide.

NOTE: In addition to the previously posted bills, the above bill will be considered at 5:15 PM or upon suspension of the posting rule.


HB 1610       Gonzales, Larry | et al.     SP: Patrick
Relating to employment termination procedures applicable to a teacher who is convicted of or receives deferred adjudication for a felony.

HB 2247       King, Phil | et al.     SP: Gallegos
Relating to the eligibility of the adjutant general's department to receive Foundation School Program funding for students enrolled in the Texas ChalleNGe Academy.

HB 2380       Shelton | et al.        SP: Shapiro
Relating to employment by school districts of certain persons under probationary contracts.



HB 1834       Shelton                 SP: Shapiro
Relating to elimination of certain requirements for increasing community awareness of prekindergarten programs offered by or in partnership with school districts.

HB 1942       Patrick, Diane | et al. SP: Van de Putte
Relating to bullying in public schools.

Public testimony will be limited to 3 minutes per person.




Bills added after last posting:

HB 1386


** See Committee Coordinator for previous versions of the schedule **