COMMITTEE:    State Affairs 

TIME & DATE:  9:00 AM, Monday, May 02, 2011 

PLACE:        Senate Chamber 
CHAIR:        Senator Robert Duncan 



The committee will meet to take up the following:



SB 849        Duncan
Relating to certain election practices and procedures.

SB 1417       Hinojosa
Relating to the limitation of liability of certain landowners.

SB 1430       Duncan
Relating to the regulation of certain exclusive provider benefit plans.

SB 1666       Duncan
Relating to the authority of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas to invest in hedge funds.

SB 1671       Duncan
Relating to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.

SB 1735       Van de Putte
Relating to limited purpose subsidiary life insurance companies.

HB 438        Thompson | et al.       SP: Carona
Relating to health benefit plan coverage for orally administered anticancer medications.

HB 457        Craddick                SP: Nelson
Relating to restrictions on the promotion and operation of charitable raffles.

HB 1032       Smithee                 SP: Davis
Relating to a rescission period for annuity contracts.

HB 1405       Smithee | et al.        SP: Deuell
Relating to provision by a health benefit plan of prescription drug coverage specified by formulary.

HB 2561       Eissler                 SP: Duncan
Relating to the definition of "school year" for purposes of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.

Public testimony will be limited to three minutes per person.


If submitting written testimony, please provide 30 copies with your witness affirmation card.


At the chairman's discretion, the committee may take up any pending legislation.