COMMITTEE:    State Affairs 

TIME & DATE:  9:00 AM, Thursday, August 30, 2012 

PLACE:        Senate Chamber 
CHAIR:        Senator Robert Duncan 



The Senate Committee on State Affairs will meet to take up and consider the following interim charges:


Charge 3: Study the feasibility and fiscal impact to consumers of altering the insurance code to allow for the purchase of health insurance across state lines.


Charge 5: Study and make recommendations on statutory provisions and judicial decisions relating to the statute of limitations on a cause of action relating to consumer debt.


Charge 8: Consider the costs of benefits of the creation of liability protection for private companies and individuals when commissioned by the Texas Forest Service to assist in fighting a fire that is not on the company's or individual's own land.  Examine whether state policy should prohibit an employer from terminating an employee who is a volunteer firefighter on the grounds that the employee missed work because the employee was responding to an emergency.  Identify any appropriate limitations that should apply to such a policy.


*Public testimony will be limited to three minutes per person.*


*If submitting written testimony, please provide 20 copies with your affirmation card to committee staff prior to testifying.*