COMMITTEE: Nominations
TIME & DATE: 9:00 AM
Monday, February 14, 2011
PLACE: E1.028 (Hearing Room)
CHAIR: Senator Bob Deuell
To consider the following:
The following nominees will appear:
Texas A&M University System Board of Regents
Elaine Mendoza-Gay Appointed 02-07-11 for a Wentworth
Bexar County term to expire 02-01-17
Judy Kelley Morgan Appointed 02-07-11 for a Eltife
Bowie County term to expire 02-01-17
Clifton Leo Thomas Appointed 02-07-11 for a Hegar
Victoria County term to expire 02-01-17
John David White Appointed 01-04-11 for a Ellis
Harris County term to expire 02-01-15
University of Houston System Board of Regents
Nandita Venkateswaran Appointed 08-31-09 for a Ellis
Berry term to expire 08-31-15
Harris County
Tilman J. Fertitta Appointed 08-31-09 for a Ellis
Harris County term to expire 08-31-15
Jarvis V. Hollingsworth Appointed 08-31-09 for a Huffman
Fort Bend County term to expire 08-31-15
University of Texas System Board of Regents
Alexis Mount Cranberg Appointed 02-01-11 for a Wentworth
Travis County term to expire 02-01-17
Wallace Legette Hall Appointed 02-01-11 for a Carona
Dallas County term to expire 02-01-17
Robert Steven Hicks Appointed 07-02-10 for a Watson
Travis County term to expire 02-01-15
Brenda Pejovich Appointed 02-01-11 for a Shapiro
Dallas County term to expire 02-01-17
The following nominees will not appear:
Adjutant General's Department
John Frederick Nichols Appointed 02-01-11 for a Wentworth
Comal County term to expire 02-01-13
Advisory Board of Athletic Trainers
David Jerrell Weir Appointed 02-07-11 for a Ogden
Brazos County term to expire 01-31-17
Texas County and District Retirement System
Jerry Van Bigham Appointed 05-13-10 for a Seliger
Randall County term to expire 12-31-15
Daniel R. Haggerty Appointed 05-13-10 for a Rodriguez
El Paso County term to expire 12-31-15
Jan Westmoreland Kennady Appointed 05-13-10 for a Wentworth
Comal County term to expire 12-31-15
Dorye Kristeen Roe Appointed 11-30-09 for a Ogden
Brazos County term to expire 12-31-11
Commission on State Emergency Communications
William H. Buchholtz Appointed 11-23-10 for a Wentworth
Bexar County term to expire 09-01-15
Mitchell F. Fuller Appointed 12-21-10 for a Ogden
Williamson County term to expire 09-01-15
Texas Emergency Services Retirement System
Graciela G. Flores Appointed 05-13-10 for a Hinojosa
Nueces County term to expire 09-01-15
Virginia K. Moore Appointed 05-13-10 for a Huffman
Brazoria County term to expire 09-01-15
Dennis Ray Rice Appointed 05-13-10 for a Seliger
Randall County term to expire 09-01-15
Stephen K. Williams Appointed 11-12-10 for a Eltife
Panola County term to expire 09-01-11
Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation
Emma Yvonne Batts Appointed 02-07-11 for a Fraser
Taylor County term to expire 01-31-17
Frank Houston Landis Appointed 02-07-11 for a Ogden
Brazos County term to expire 01-31-17
Michael J. Savoie Appointed 02-07-11 for a Nelson
Denton County term to expire 01-31-17
Steven Vaughn Tays Appointed 02-07-11 for a Van de Putte
Bexar County term to expire 01-31-17
Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Martha Doty Freeman Appointed 09-28-09 for a Watson
Travis County term to expire 09-28-15
Larry Gene Holt Appointed 09-28-09 for a Ogden
Brazos County term to expire 09-28-15
Sandra J. Pickett Appointed 09-28-09 for a Williams
Liberty County term to expire 09-28-15
Midwestern State University Board of Regents
Michael Bernhardt Appointed 03-17-10 for a Estes
Wichita County term to expire 02-25-16
J. Kenneth Bryant Appointed 03-17-10 for a Estes
Wichita County term to expire 02-25-16
Tiffany Dawn Burks Appointed 03-17-10 for a Harris
Tarrant County term to expire 02-25-16
Samuel Molinar Sanchez Appointed 03-17-10 for a Nelson
Tarrant County term to expire 02-25-12
Texas Municipal Retirement System
Julie Oakley Appointed 07-22-10 for a Fraser
Burnet County term to expire 02-01-13
Jimmy Dean Parrish Appointed 02-07-11 for a Shapiro
Collin County term to expire 02-01-17
Roel Rodriguez Appointed 02-07-11 for a Hinojosa
Hidalgo County term to expire 02-01-17
Texas Mutual Insurance Company Board
Linda S. Foster-Smith Appointed 10-16-09 for a Ogden
Williamson County term to expire 07-01-15
Prepaid Higher Education Tuition Board
Joe Colonnetta Appointed 02-07-11 for a Carona
Dallas County term to expire 02-01-17
Stephen F. Austin State University Board of Regents
Brigettee Carnes Henderson Appointed 02-01-11 for a Nichols
Angelina County term to expire 01-31-17
Kenton Edward Schaefer Appointed 02-01-11 for a Lucio
Cameron County term to expire 01-31-17
Ralph Clifford Todd Appointed 02-01-11 for a Eltife
Panola County term to expire 01-31-17
Texas State Technical College System Board of Regents
Penny Forrest Appointed 09-09-09 for a Birdwell
McLennan County term to expire 08-31-15
James Virgil Martin Appointed 09-09-09 for a Duncan
Nolan County term to expire 08-31-15
Linda Lea McKenna Appointed 09-09-09 for a Lucio
Cameron County term to expire 08-31-15
Texas Tech University System Board of Regents
Larry Keith Anders Appointed 02-01-11 for a Shapiro
Collin County term to expire 01-31-17
Debra Kay Mears Montford Appointed 02-01-11 for a Wentworth
Bexar County term to expire 01-31-17
John D. Steinmetz Appointed 02-01-11 for a Duncan
Lubbock County term to expire 01-31-17
Veterans' Land Board
Alan K. Sandersen Appointed 02-07-11 for a Huffman
Fort Bend County term to expire 12-29-14