COMMITTEE:    Criminal Justice 

TIME & DATE:  1:30 PM, Tuesday, October 30, 2012 

PLACE:        E1.016 (Hearing Room) 
CHAIR:        Senator John Whitmire 



Upon adjournment of the Senate Criminal Justice and Senate Education joint committee meeting the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice will convene in its regular room to hear invited and public testimony on interim charge 6:


Assess the current trends in prescription drug abuse including crimes and arrests, abuse of prescription and over-the-counter medication in the prison population, impact on probation violations and recidivism, and incidences of law enforcement as the first responders to prescription drug overdose emergencies. Identify strategies for law enforcement and criminal justice systems to work with education and health care professionals to use all means, including technology, to identify abuses, and increase education and prevention. Make recommendations to enhance drug abuse prevention and intervention programs.


The committee we also hear invited and public testimony on part of interim charge 8:


Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice, 82nd Legislature, Regular and Called Sessions, and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, and/or complete implementation. Specifically, monitor the  implementation of SB 321, relating to an employee's lawful transportation and storage of certain firearms or ammunition while on property owned or controlled by the employee's employer.




Anyone providing written testimony should bring 20 copies to the hearing.





** See Committee Coordinator for previous versions of the schedule **