COMMITTEE:    Health & Human Services 

TIME & DATE:  9:00 AM, Wednesday, May 09, 2012 

PLACE:        Senate Chamber 
CHAIR:        Senator Jane Nelson 



The Senate Committee on Health and Human Services will take up the following charge:


Charge #8 - Review the state's public mental health system and make recommendations to improve access, service utilization, patient outcomes and system efficiencies. Study current service delivery models for outpatient and inpatient care, funding levels, financing methodologies, services provided, and available community-based alternatives to hospitalization. The review should look to other states for best practices or models that may be successful in Texas. The study shall also review and recommend "best value" practices that the state's public mental health system may implement to maximize the use of federal, state, and local funds.


Public testimony will be limited to 3 minutes.

If submitting written testimony, please provide 20 copies with your name on each.