HB 183


              State Affairs Committee

              March 2, 2011 - 30 minutes After Final Adjournment/Recess

                       For :

                                 CARTER, DAVID   (Self)

                                 Forest, Rebecca   (Self)

                       Against :

                                 RIEBSCHLAEGER, ELIZABETH   (SRS. of Charity of The INCARNATE WORD SAN

                                 ANTONIO, TX 78209)


                                 TEXAS OKLAHOMA & NEW MEXICO CHAPTER)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 BROOKE, MARVIN   (Self; IMMIGRATION Reform Coalation of TX)

                                 DOYLE, Russell   (Self)

                                 ESPINOZA, MARIA   (The Remembrance Project.)

                                 Gerstenschlager, MerryLynn   (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)

                                 HINDELANG, PAUL   (Self)

                                 LYNG, TIMOTHY   (The Remembrance Project)

                                 MARTINEZ, MARIA   (Immigration Reform Coalition of Texas)

                                 THEISS, ELIZABETH   (Self; TFIR)

                       Against :

                                 Aguilar, Kristian   (Mexican American Legal Defense & Education Fund)

                                 ALVARADO, Andreyez   (University of Texas Student/Longhorn LULAC.)

                                 Andrade, Victor   (Cualition for immigration for North texas)

                                 Atwood, David   (Houston peace & Justice Ctr.)

                                 Beardall, Bill   (Equal Justice Center 510 S. Congress Ste 206 Austin TX 78704)

                                 Bernhardt, Rebecca   (Texas Criminal Justice Coalition)

                                 Bodman, Whitney   (Self)

                                 Cardenas, Carlos   (University of Texas at Austin Student - Longhorn LULAC)

                                 Castillo-Soto, Anabel   (Self)

                                 Cromwell, Jesse   (Self)

                                 Cuvi, JACiNTO   (Self)

                                 DANIELS, JENNIFER   (North Texas Dream Team)

                                 DE LA FUENTE, FLAVIA   (Self)

                                 DIAZ, JULIO   (BORDER NETWORK FOR HUMAN RIGHTS)

                                 DONALDSON, CAREY   (Self)

                                 DONALDSON, JuDiTH O   (Self)

                                 DONALDSON, SARAH   (Self)

                                 DWYER, JEAN THOMAS   (Daughters of Charity Advocacy & Social Justice Cmte)

                                 ESPINOZA, ANGELINA   (C.I.R. of North Texas)

                                 ESPINOZA, MICHAEL   (Self; Houston United)

                                 Figueroa, Luis   (Mexican American Legal Defense & Educational Fund (MALDEF))

                                 FLORES, LULU   (Self)

                                 Garduno, Tanya   (South West Workers Union)

                                 HOKANSON, JILL   (Self)

                                 Hunter, Amber   (Self)

                                 Igo, Shanna   (Texas Municipal League)

                                 JonEs, Bobbi K   (UNITED METHODIST Bishops of Texas)

                                 KULLMANN, CHARLES   (Self)

                                 LIBAL, BOB   (Self)

                                 Lobo, Tomas   (C.I.R of North Texas)

                                 LUNA, JESSICA   (University leadership initiative)

                                 Martin, Laura   (Self)


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              HB 183


              State Affairs Committee

                                 Morales, Martina   (Border Network for Human Rights and RITA (Reform immigration for

                                 Texas alliance))

                                 Moriel, JOSE   (North TEXAS Dream Team)

                                 Navarro, Kassandra   (Self)

                                 Obazee, Kelli   (Self)

                                 Palomeque, Yennys   (Self)

                                 Ramirez, Susana   (University Leadership Initiative)

                                 REYES, ESTHER   (Self)

                                 Rivas, Andrew   (TX Catholic Conference)

                                 Robles, Jannell   (Central American Resource Center (CRECEN))

                                 Robles, Maria   (Coalition For Immigration Reform of DFW & North TX)

                                 Rodriguez, Christina   (Longhorn LULAC and University of Texas Student)

                                 ROEGER, CECILE   (Dominican Sisters of Houston)

                                 Ruiz, Luis   (Houston United)

                                 SALDANA, PAUL   (Texas Association of Mexican-American Chambers of Commerce)

                                 Simpson, Matthew   (ACLU of Texas)

                                 SMITH, T. RANDALL   (TEXAS IMPACT)

                                 SNYDER, MARGARET   (Srs. of Charity of the Incarnate Word)

                                 THOMPSON, AMY   (Self)

                                 TOVAR, SANDRA   (COUNCIL FOR MINORITY STUDENT AFFAIRS (CMSA))

                                 Villarreal, Celeste   (Mexican-American Bar Association of Texas)

                                 WOODS, JOHN   (Self)
