HB 272


              Insurance Committee

              March 15, 2011 - 1:30 PM or upon final adjourn./recess

                       Against :

                                 Anderson, James   (Self)

                                 Berberich, Michael   (Self)

                                 Coleman, Hermenna   (Self)

                                 Collins, Denise L.   (Self)

                                 Giovannini, John   (Self)

                                 Golish, Louis   (Self)

                                 Hart, Dan   (Coach Dan Hart & Betty Lee Hart)

                                 Hornack, David   (Self)

                                 Jepson, Darrell   (Self)

                                 King, William   (Self; Greater New Hope Missionary Baptist Church)

                                 Mostyn, Steve   (Self; TTLA & Clients)

                                 Osburn, Monte   (Hughen Center, Inc.)

                                 Quibodeaux, Steve   (The Kids Safari Inc)

                                 Taylor, George   (Self)

                                 Vaughan, Daniel   (Self)

                                 Watts, Robert   (Self)

                                 Webb, Timothy   (Self)

                                 Wendell, Ware   (Texas Watch)

                       On :

                                 Beck, Deeia   (Office of Public Insurance Counsel)

                                 Bosse, Fred   (American Insurance Association)

                                 Floyd, Beaman   (Texas Coalition for Affordable Insurance Solutions)

                                 Geeslin, Mike   (Texas Department of Insurance)

                                 Jarmon, Gene   (Texas Department of Insurance)

                                 Loftis, Lee   (Ind. Insurance Agents of Texas)

                                 Peacock, Bill   (Texas Public Policy Foundation)

                                 Thompson, Jay   (AFACT)

                                 Woods, Joe   (Property Casualty Insurers Assn. of America (PCI))

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Gomez, Rolando   (Self)

                       Against :

                                 Allen, Ashlie   (Self)

                                 Alvarez, Britney   (Self)

                                 Anderson, Vivian   (Self)

                                 Antrich, Steve   (Self)

                                 Arroyo, Eleazar   (Self)

                                 Auzston, Shelbie   (Self)

                                 Auzston, Sylvia   (Self)

                                 Ayala, Irma   (Self)

                                 Backman, Michelle   (Self)

                                 Bafico, Richard   (Self)

                                 Banda, Christine   (Self)

                                 Barajas, Elvira   (Self)

                                 Bartek, Jessica   (Self)

                                 Bass, Chandra   (Self)

                                 Bazemore, Wayne   (Self)

                                 Berry, Byron   (Self)

                                 Bertinetti, Kevin   (Self)

                                 Blanco, William   (Self)


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              HB 272


              Insurance Committee

                                 Bonewald, Bobby   (Self)

                                 Bowen, Molly   (Self)

                                 Buchanan, Gary   (Self)

                                 Burnett, Shani   (Self)

                                 Burton, Margaret   (Self)

                                 Callahan, Cossette   (Self)

                                 Campbell, Julane   (Self)

                                 Canales, Monica   (Self)

                                 Cardona, Louisa   (Self)

                                 Cardona, Rigoberto   (Self)

                                 Carter, Toby   (Self)

                                 Casas, Monica   (Self)

                                 Cespedes, Franz H.   (Self)

                                 Cespedes, Franz S.   (Self)

                                 Chapa, Briseyda   (Self)

                                 Cienfuegos, Daniel   (Self)

                                 Clayton, Chad   (Self)

                                 Cobe, Christin   (Self)

                                 Cook, Andrew   (Self)

                                 Cowart, Laurie   (Self)

                                 Cubria, Melissa   (Texas Public Interest Research Group (Tex PIRG))

                                 DeLeon, Crystal   (Self)

                                 Demanuelle, Ruby   (Self)

                                 Dixon, Deborah   (Self)

                                 Dorsey, Darlyne   (Willie M Prudhomme & Elton Prudhomme)

                                 Dunnam, Sarah   (Self)

                                 Dupuis, Alex   (Self)

                                 Dupuis, Colin   (Self)

                                 Ebarb, Rebecca   (Self)

                                 Edwards, Bert   (Self)

                                 Evans, Bonnie   (Self)

                                 Evans, Donald   (Self)

                                 Ferrari, Reynaldo   (Self)

                                 Ferron, Chris   (Self)

                                 Ferron, Mike   (Self)

                                 Fisher-Griggs, Linda   (Self)

                                 Flores, Mimosa   (Self)

                                 Fulton, Charika   (Self)

                                 Garcia, Gabriel   (Self)

                                 Garza, Jesse   (Self)

                                 Giovannini, Judy   (Self)

                                 Gohlke, Cynthia   (Self)

                                 Gohlke, Jeremy   (Self)

                                 Gomez, Irene   (Self)

                                 Griffith, Ruth   (Self)

                                 Grisales, Melissa   (Self)

                                 Grizzaffi, Frank A   (Self)

                                 Grizzaffi, Sam   (Self)

                                 Guthmann, Matthew   (Self)

                                 Hall, Jolene   (Self)

                                 Hardeman Jr, Eddie   (Self)

                                 Harris, Elizabeth   (Self)

                                 Harrison, Meagan   (Self)

                                 Higgins, Jacqueline   (Self)

                                 Higgins, Latricia   (Self)

                                 Hill, Jeremy   (Self)


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              HB 272


              Insurance Committee

                                 Hodgson, William   (Self)

                                 Hoffman, Betty   (Self)

                                 Houston, Michele   (Self)

                                 Howard, Adam   (Self)

                                 Howard, Megan   (Self)

                                 Hudson, Tammy   (Self)

                                 Ibarra Jr, Porfirio   (Self)

                                 Infante, Alejandro   (Self)

                                 Iruegas, Samantha   (Self)

                                 Isadore, Veronica   (Self)

                                 Jackson, Bowe   (Self)

                                 Jackson, Curtis   (Self)

                                 Jackson, Robert   (Self)

                                 Jackson, Robert Lee   (Self)

                                 Jackson, Roxanna   (Self)

                                 James, Mallonique   (Self)

                                 James, Mary   (Self)

                                 Janda, Sam   (Self)

                                 Jarvis, Claude   (Self)

                                 Jarvis, Lucille   (Self)

                                 Jatzlau, Kenneth   (Self)

                                 Jefferson, Vanessa   (Self)

                                 Johnson, Harold   (Self)

                                 Johnson, Pearlie   (Self)

                                 Jordan, Clay   (Self)

                                 Joseph, Harold   (Self)

                                 Karronm, Jessica   (Self)

                                 Kelly, Claudia   (Self)

                                 Kelly Jr., John   (Self)

                                 Kennedy, Elizabeth   (Self)

                                 Kerley, Larry   (Self)

                                 Kershaw, Jerome   (Self)

                                 Kishinevsky, Leonid   (Self)

                                 La Santa, Thomas   (Self)

                                 Laake, Cheryl   (Self)

                                 Laake, Jason   (Self)

                                 Laake, Robert Shane   (Self)

                                 Lavallais, Joyce   (Self)

                                 Layton, Betty   (Self)

                                 Layton, Michelle   (Self)

                                 Layton, Robert   (Self)

                                 Layton, Robert.G   (Self)

                                 Lechuga, Irasema   (Self)

                                 Lee, Kevin   (Self)

                                 Lee, Patty   (Self)

                                 Lewis, Viola   (Self)

                                 Linda, Hurels   (Self)

                                 Lindemann, Steven   (Self)

                                 Louella, Williams   (Self)

                                 Luviano, Esmeralda   (Self)

                                 Luxon, Bruce   (Self)

                                 Lynn, Theresa   (Self)

                                 Magee, Stephanie   (Self)

                                 Manney, Thomas   (Self)

                                 Marshall, Jack   (Self; Laurie Marshall)


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              HB 272


              Insurance Committee

                                 Martinez, Maria   (Self)

                                 Matthews, David   (Self)

                                 Mayronne, David   (Self)

                                 McCartney, Stella   (Self)

                                 McConnell, Sharon   (Self)

                                 McCormick, Terry   (Self)

                                 Mellen, Debbie   (Self)

                                 Morales, Nelys Marta   (Self)

                                 Morales, Valentin   (Self)

                                 Morgan, Kay   (Self)

                                 Mostyn, Amber   (Self)

                                 Muhammad, Darik Jahkur   (Self)

                                 Mulrooney, David   (Self)

                                 Mulrooney, Donalda   (Self)

                                 Murray, Darryl   (Self)

                                 Nelson, Annie   (Self)

                                 Nelson Jr., Samuel   (Self)

                                 O'Dell, Estella   (Self)

                                 O'Dell, Michael E.   (Self)

                                 Ocasio-Levi, Ivelisse   (Self)

                                 Ogden, Kelly   (Self)

                                 Olson, James   (Self)

                                 Olson, Wendy   (Self)

                                 Ortiz, Christina   (Self)

                                 Otts, Thelma   (Self)

                                 Parker, Staci   (Self)

                                 Perez, Beverly   (Self)

                                 Perez, Leticia   (Self)

                                 Perez, Tiffany   (Self)

                                 Perry, Angela   (Self)

                                 Pham, Tai   (Self)

                                 Phillips, Avis   (Self)

                                 Pizarro, Ricardo   (Self)

                                 Porter, Teresa   (Self)

                                 Pouncy, Barbara L.   (Self)

                                 Pouncy, Houston H.   (Self)

                                 Quinney, Cindy   (Self)

                                 Quinney, Darrell   (Self)

                                 Quinney, Monica   (Self)

                                 Ramirez, Gina   (Self)

                                 Ramsey, Katherine   (Self)

                                 Ramsey, Michael   (Self)

                                 Ramsey, Mike   (Self)

                                 Raney, Frank   (Self)

                                 Rawlins, Timothy   (Self)

                                 Reyes, Guadalupe   (Self)

                                 Rezazadeh, Ghazzaleh   (Self)

                                 Rhodes, Pauline   (Self)

                                 Rice, Barbara   (Self)

                                 Roberson, Chelsea   (Self)

                                 Robison, Chadwick   (Self)

                                 Rod, Webb   (Self)

                                 Rodriguez, Jose Modesto   (Self)

                                 Rodriguez, Mynor   (Self)

                                 Rollins, Clarissa   (Self)

                                 Romero, Claudia   (Self)


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              HB 272


              Insurance Committee

                                 Rosenboom, Dawn   (Self)

                                 Ruiz, Eugenia   (Self)

                                 Ruiz, Gilda   (Self)

                                 Ruiz, Raul   (Self)

                                 Russell, Sean   (Self)

                                 Rutledge, James Carey   (Self)

                                 Saenz, Pamala   (Self)

                                 Saenz, Rumaldo   (Self)

                                 Salazar, Denise F.   (Self)

                                 Saldivar, Alma   (Self)

                                 Salgado, Norma   (Self)

                                 Samuel, Patsy Rideaux   (Self)

                                 Sanchez, Barbara   (Self)

                                 Sanchez, Bernardo   (Self)

                                 Sanchez, Dalia   (Self)

                                 Sanchez, Rosa   (Self)

                                 Santana, Adriana   (Self)

                                 Santana, Christian   (Self)

                                 Santillan, Carol   (Self)

                                 Saunders, Wilburene   (Self)

                                 Schulte, Blake   (Self)

                                 Schwartz, A.   (Galveston Windstorm Comm.)

                                 Sears, Areina   (Self)

                                 Sears, Donald   (Self)

                                 Sears, Sandra   (Self)

                                 Segars, Roy   (Self)

                                 Segoviano-Cooney, Delia   (Self)

                                 Shelvin, Lawanda   (Self)

                                 Shotland, Susan   (Self)

                                 Slocum, Alysa   (Self)

                                 Smith, Jacob   (Self)

                                 Smith, Mitzi   (Self)

                                 Smith, Tina   (Self)

                                 Smith, Troy   (Self)

                                 Smith, Veronica   (Self)

                                 Sosa, Domingo   (Self)

                                 Sosa, Margaret   (Self)

                                 Stapleton, Sarah   (Self)

                                 Stewart, Steven   (Self)

                                 Stuckly, David   (Self)

                                 Suarez, Gustavo   (Self)

                                 Temple, Denine   (Self)

                                 Tevis, Jana   (Self)

                                 Thomas, Deaondre   (Self)

                                 Thomas, Helen   (Self)

                                 Thomas, Joselyn   (Self)

                                 Thomas, Kendahl   (Self)

                                 Thomas, LeeAnna   (Self)

                                 Thomas, Walton   (Self)

                                 Trainer, Norman   (Self)

                                 Treadaway, Mary   (Self)

                                 Turcios, Alda   (Self)

                                 Ulrich, Judson   (Self)

                                 Vaughan, Charlene   (Self)

                                 Vigil, Albert   (Self)


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              HB 272


              Insurance Committee

                                 Villalpando, Javier   (Self)

                                 Walsh-Flores, Kimberly   (Self)

                                 Watson, David   (Self; TWIA Lobby)

                                 Watson, Travis   (Self)

                                 Wells, Jeremy   (Self)

                                 Wesselski, James   (Self)

                                 Williams, Charles Lee   (Self)

                                 Williams, Cody   (Self)

                                 Williams, Denver   (Self)

                                 Williams, Frank   (Self)

                                 Wolfe, Pamela   (Self)

                                 Woodard, Elgin Leon   (Self)

                                 Woodard, Mercedes   (Self)

                                 Wright, John   (Self)

                                 Wright, MaryAlice   (Self)

                                 Young, Carol J   (Self)

                                 Young, David   (Self)

                                 Young, Gala   (Self)

                                 Zbranek, Allen   (Self)

                       On :

                                 Drenner, Julie   (The Heartland Institute)

                                 Lehrer, Eli   (Heartland Institute)
