Public Health Committee
March 2, 2011 - 8:00 AM
For :
Brown, Michael (Self)
Carlo, John (American Heart Association, Texas Medical Association)
Derise, Boyer (Flemings Prime Steakhouse)
Dunnington, Joel (American Cancer Society)
Foster, Kathleen (Self)
Gray, James (American Cancer Society)
Higgins, Carlos (Texas Silver-Haired Legislature)
Huang, Philip (Austin/Travis County Health Dept. & Smokefree Texas)
Johnson, Katherine (Self)
Moore, Mitchell (Self)
Petterson, Jacqueline (Self; American Heart Assn.)
Sommers, Kristy (Self; Coalition for a Smoke Free Texas)
Stafford, Trena (Texas PTA)
Against :
Brinson, Philip Robert (Fast Eddie's Billiards)
On :
Allgeyer, Rick (Health Human Services Commission)
Foxhall, Lewis (UT MD Anderson Cancer Center)
Kalanges, Lauri (TX Dept of State Health Serv)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Aghamalian, Brandon (City of Denton, Mayor and Council)
Aghamalian, Brandon (City of Corpus Christi, Mayor and Council)
Ballew, Joel (Texas Health Resources)
Banks, Yannis (Texas NAACP)
Banning, Tom (TX Academy of Family Physicians)
Banning, Tom (TX Pediatric Society)
Berger, Ed (Seton Family of Hospitals)
Blackburn, Joseph (Self)
Capelo, Jaime (Texas Chapter American College of Cardiology)
Chatelle, Melody (Self)
Devine, Teresa B (Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas)
Eugene, Darrick (TX Carbon Capture & Storage Assoc.)
Finley, Marisa (Scott & White Center for Healthcare Policy)
Fredriksen, Amanda (AARP)
Galligher, Duane (Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce)
Galligher, Duane (Association of Substance Abuse Programs of TX)
Gomez, Edward (Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce)
Gonzalez, Liza (Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce)
Hutton Bibiahaus, Lauren (Livestrong)
Jackson, Richie (Texas Restaurant Association)
Kemptner, Sara (Aetna)
Lane, Lee (Texas Asso. of Local Health Officials)
Little, Melinda (Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids)
Malone, Mark (Humana Health Plans)
Martinez, James (The American Lung Association)
Marwitz, David (Texas Dermatalogical Society)
Metzger, Luke (Environment Texas)
Moore, Ruby (Self)
Nava, Mary (Bexar County Medical Society)
Public Health Committee
Olson, Anne (TX Baptist Christian Life Commission)
Pearson, David (Texas Organization of Rural & Community Hospitals)
Power, David (Public Citizen)
Reed, Cyrus (Lone Star Chapter Sierra Club)
Rivas, Andrew (TX Catholic Conference)
Rodas, Claudia (American Cancer Society)
Romo, Joel (American Heart Association)
Romo, Joel (TX Public Health Coalition)
Rose, Denise (Texas Hospital Association)
Rose, Lauren (Texans Care For Children)
Ross, Susan (Texas Dental Association)
Ruckel, Mari (Texas oil and gas association)
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
Saenz, Gabriela (CHRISTUS Health)
Sanders, Morgan (March of Dimes)
Shelton, Emily (Texas Impact)
Smith, Andrew (University Health System)
Sperry, Bryan (Children's Hospital Association of Texas)
Stern, Sylvia (Self)
Weinberg, David (Texas League of Conservation Voters)
Willmann, James (Texas Nurses Association)
Wilson, Stacy (Community Care)
Wolfe, Jared (Texas Association of Health Plans)
Woomer, Eric (Texas Wings, Inc.)
Against :
Bresnen, Steve (Coalition for the Survival of Charitable Bingo)
Dewitt, Cathy (Texas Association of Business)
Fenoglio, Stephen (Texas Charity Advocates)
Mallette, Cindy (Americans for Prosperity)
On :
Harmonson, Penny (Department of State Health Services)
Valadez, Adolfo (TX. Dept. State Health Services)