HB 692

              Senate Committee Report


              May 17, 2011 - 8:30 AM


                                          Garza, Bonnie   Advocate  (Students With Disabilities in Texas), Austin, TX

                       Registering, but not testifying:


                                          Canaday, Jennifer M.   Governmental Relations Manager  (ATPE), Austin, TX

                                          Carpenter, Bill    (Texas Council of Administrators of Special Education), Austin, TX

                                          De Leon, Marty   Consultant  (Texas Assoc of Mid-Size Schools (TAMS) / Texas Assoc.

                                          of Community Schools (TACS)), Austin, TX

                                          Eaton, Holly   Director of Professional Development and Advocacy  (Tx Classroom

                                          Teachers Assoc.), Austin, TX

                                          Gutierrez, Michael    (Self - Child Advocate), San Antonio, TX

                                          Lindsey, Andrew   Authorized Representative  (Texas Parent Teacher Association), Austin,


                                          McCraw, Ken   Ex. Dir  (Tx Assn of Community Schools), Austin, TX

                                          McCreary, Casey   Assistant Executive Director  (Texas Association of School

                                          Administrators), Austin, TX

                                          Miller, Jeff    (Disability Rights Texas), Austin, TX

                                          Quinzi, Patty   Legislative Counsel  (TX-AFT), Austin, TX

                                          Shields, Julie   Asst. Dir. of Governmental Relations  (Texas Assoc. of School Boards),

                                          Austin, TX

                                          Statman, Rona   Dir. of Family Support  (The Arc of Texas), Austin, TX
