Environmental Regulation Committee
April 6, 2011 - 1:30 PM or upon final adjourn./recess
For :
Minick, Stephen (Texs Association of Business)
Wisdom, Christina (Texas Chemical Council)
Against :
Allmon, Eric (Texas Center for Policy Studies)
Hadden, Karen (SEED Coalition)
Kramer, Ken (Lone Star Chapter, Sierra Club)
Levin, Ilan (Environmental Integrity Project)
Patel, Snehal Csnayhull" (Harris County Attorney's Office)
Peace, Annalisa (Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance)
Rolke, Paul (Robertson County: Our Land Our Lives)
Sisk, Cathy (Commissioner Steve Radack, Harris County Commissioner, Pct. 3)
Sisk, Cathy (Harris County)
Smith, Tom Smitty (Public Citizen)
Thompson, Bob (Self)
Tucker, Linda (Self; East Texans Coalition for Clean Air)
Wilson, Christine (Self)
On :
Hyde, Richard (TCEQ)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Ashley, Price (Texas Association of Manufacturers)
Cannon, Thure (Texas Pipeline Assoc.)
Fore, Delbert (Enterprise Products Partners L.P.)
Gibbs, Gary (American Electric Power Co.)
Gipson, Mark (Devon Energy)
Romero, Celina (Texas Pipeline Association)
Ruckell, Mari (Texas Oil and Gas Association)
Sander, Lindsay (Kinder Morgan)
Sander, Lindsay (Markwest)
Sander, Lindsay (Regency Energy)
Swinford, David (Self; Pattern Energy)
Williams, Julie (Chevron. U.S.A.)
Against :
Bodman, Whitney (Texas Impact)
Caraway, Mel (Texas Impact)
Cervenka, Robert L. (Self)
Ely, Joseph (Self)
Meehan, Colin (Environmental Defense Fund)
Metzger, Luke (Environment Texas)
Schneider, Robin (Texas Campaign for the Environment)
Schultz, Mary (Self)
Sliva, Allison (Self)
Smith, Randall (Texas Impact)
Stout, William (Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance)
Tejada, Matthew (Air Alliance Houston)
Weinberg, David (Texas League of Conservation Voters)
Wolf, John (Self)
Wolf, Vicki (Self)
On :
Environmental Regulation Committee
Tucker, Joseph (Self; East Texas Coalition for Clean Air)
Committee Substitute (Hancock)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Blevins, Chesley (Texas Mining & Reclamation Assn.)
Blevins, Chesley (Kiewit Mining Group, Inc.)
Blevins, Chesley (Texas Westmore Land Coal Co.)
Nasi, Mike (American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE))