SB 288

              Senate Committee Report

              Transportation & Homeland Security

              March 30, 2011 - 7:30 AM

                        FOR BILL/FOR COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE(C.S.S.B. 288):

                                          Carter, David    (Self; Minutemen Civil Defense Corps, Texas Chapter), Temple, TX

                                          Esparza, Jaime   District Attorney  (District Attorney, 34th Judicial District), El Paso, TX

                                          Franz, John David   Chair  (Texas Border Coalition), Hedalgo, TX

                                          Martinez, Maria    (Immigration Reform Coalition of Texas), Austin, TX

                                          Rivas, Andrew   Executive Director  (Texas Catholic Conference), Austin, TX

                                          Vale, Sam   BTA Chairman  (also providing written testimony)  (Border Trade Alliance),

                                          Rio Grande City, TX


                                          Bush, John   Executive Director  (Texans for Accountable Government), Austin, TX

                                          Fazio, Heather    (Self; Texans for Accountable Government), Cedar Park, TX

                                          Lee, B.J.   Doctor  (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Peterson, Randall    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Simpson, Matt   Policy Strategist  (ACLU of Texas), Austin, TX

                                          Snavely, Travis   Patient Accounts Lead  (Self) , Austin, TX

                        ON BILL/ON COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE(C.S.S.B. 288):

                                          Kepple, Robert   Executive Direcot  (Texas District & County Attorneys Association),

                                          Austin, TX

                                          McCraw, Steve   Director  (Texas Department of Public Safety), Austin, TX

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                        For Bill/For Committee Substitute(C.S.S.B. 288):

                                          Dwyer, Doris    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Morris, Celeste   Citizen  (Self) , South Padre Island, TX

                        Against Bill/Against Committee Substitute(C.S.S.B. 288):

                                          De Nardis, Lorraine    (Self) , San Marcos, TX

                                          Ford, John    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Hatfield, Justin   Student  (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Holan, Shawn   UT Student  (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          May, Vincent    (Self) , Elgin, TX

                                          Metting, Taylor   Student at UT  (Self) , TX

                                          Morrow, Robert    (Libertarians, TURF), Austin, TX

                                          Reynolds, Molly   UT Student  (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Smith, Clauden   Executive Director  (Self; Citizens Commission), Austin, TX

                       Providing written testimony:

                        Against Bill/Against Committee Substitute(C.S.S.B. 288):

                                          Williams, Terri   Legislative Task Force  (Texas Motorcycle Rights Association), Elgin,


              April 20, 2011 - 8:00 AM


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              SB 288

              Senate Committee Report

              Transportation & Homeland Security

                        ON BILL/ON COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE(C.S.S.B 288):

                                          Kepple, Robert   Executive Director  (Texas District & County Attorneys Association),

                                          Austin, TX

                                          Krampitz, Tom   General Counsel  (Border Prosecution Unit), Fort Worth, TX

                                          McCraw, Steve   Director  (DPS), Austin, TX

              April 27, 2011 - 8:00 AM

                        ON BILL/ON COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE(C.S.S.B. 288):

                                          Krampitz, Tom   General Counsel  (Border Prosecution Unit), Fort Worth, TX
