SB 361

              Senate Committee Report

              State Affairs

              March 7, 2011 - 10:00 AM


                                          Holt, Parker    (Higginbotham & Associates / Construction Group), Austin, TX

                                          Kauffman, John    (Self) , Houston, TX

                                          Lewis, Dennis    (Potter Concrete, LTD), Rockwall, TX

                                          Martin, Christopher W.    (TCA), Houston, TX

                                          Parker, R.E. (Bob)    (Associated Builders & Contractors - Coastal Bend and

                                          Repconstrickland, Inc.), Austin, TX

                                          Thomas, Richard    (Texas Construction Association), Richardson, TX

                                          Van Arsdale, Corbin    (AGC - Texas Building Branch), Austin, TX


                                          Feldman, David   City Attorney  (City of Houston), Houston, TX

                                          Fuentes, Frank    (U.S. Hispanic Contractors Assoc.), Austin, TX

                                          Moss, Rodney    (also providing written testimony)  (Balfour Beatty), Dallas, TX

                                          Parsley, Lee    (Texas Civil Justice League), Austin, TX

                                          Rudnicki, James    (Texas Association of Builders), Arlington, TX

                                          Saldana, Paul    (TAMACC), Austin, TX

                                          Turner, Cheryl    (TAB - TX Association of Builders), Irving, TX


                                          Bowman, Gordon    (City of Austin), Austin, TX

                                          Brannan, Ryan    (also providing written testimony)  (Texas Public Policy Foundation),

                                          Austin, TX

                                          Gorski, Jr., Ted    (City of Fort Worth), Fort Worth, TX

                       Registering, but not testifying:


                                          Fisher, Jon    (Associated Builders and Contractors of Texas), Austin, TX

                                          Fox, Eliza    (Cummings Electrical, Inc.), Fort Worth, TX

                                          Gellhausen, William    (TCA), San Antonio, TX

                                          Thompson, Tim    (Independent Insurance Group), San Antonio, TX

                                          Yanas, Chris    (Teaching Hospitals of Texas), Austin, TX


                                          Allen, George B.    (Texas Apartment Association), Austin, TX

                                          Gibson, Stephanie    (Texas Retailers Association), Austin, TX

                                          Grace, Jim    (CenterPoint Energy, Inc.), Houston, TX

                                          Hull, Mike    (Texans for Lawsuit Reform), Austin, TX

                                          Kearns, Dennis A.    (BNJF Railway, Texas Railroad Association), Austin, TX

                                          Marlow, John    (ACE Insurance Co.), Austin, TX

                                          Wisdom, Christina    (Texas Chemical Council), Austin, TX


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              SB 361

              Senate Committee Report

              State Affairs

                       Providing written testimony:


                                          Olson, Ron    (Union Pacific Railroad), Austin, TX

                                          Snowden, Tara    (Zachry Corporation), San Antonio, TX

                                          Wynn, Monty    (Texas Municipal League), Austin, TX
