SB 425

              Senate Committee Report

              Business & Commerce

              March 1, 2011 - 8:00 AM

                        FOR BILL/FOR COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE(Substitute):

                                          Loftis, Lee    (also providing written testimony)  (Independent Insurance Agents of Texas),

                                          Austin, TX

                        ON BILL/ON COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE(Substitute):

                                          Worman, Mark    (Texas Department of Insurance), Austin, TX

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                        For Bill/For Committee Substitute(Substitute):

                                          Doughty, Ron    (Prudential Insurance), Austin, TX

                                          Emerick, David    (JP Morgan Chase), Austin, TX

                                          Fleming, John    (Met Life), Austin, TX

                                          Fleming, John    (Texas Mortgage Bankers), Austin, TX

                                          Floyd, Beaman    (Texas Coalition for Affordable Insurance Solutions), Austin, TX

                                          Gonzalez, Daniel    (Texas Assoc. of Realtors), Austin, TX

                                          Heasley, John    (Texas Bankers Association), Austin, TX

                                          Mathews, Miles    (ING America), Austin, TX

                                          McCartt, J    (TIAA-CREF), Austin, TX

                                          Nation, Brenda    (American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI)), Austin, TX

                                          Rodgers, Kelly    (Wells Fargo Bank, NA), Austin, TX

                                          Thompson, Jay    (Assoc. of Fire and Casualty Cos. of Texas), Austin, TX

                                          White, Mike    (Texas Construction Association), Austin, TX

                                          Williston, VI, Christopher    (Independent Bankers Association of Texas), Austin, TX

                                          Woods, Joe    (Property Casualty Insurers Assn. of America (PCI)), Austin, TX

                        On Bill/On Committee Substitute(Substitute):

                                          Jobe, Everette    (Texas Dept. of Banking), Austin, TX
