SB 1742

              Senate Committee Report

              Transportation & Homeland Security

              April 20, 2011 - 8:00 AM

                        FOR BILL/FOR COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE(C.S.S.B. 1742):

                                          Frakes, Dan   Manager- Gov. Relations  (GM), Novi, MI

                                          Keene, Russ    (also providing written testimony)  (Plug-In-Texas (Electric Vehicle

                                          Coalition)), Austin, TX

                        ON BILL/ON COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE(C.S.S.B. 1742):

                                          Elliston, Randall   Director- VTR  (Texas Dept. of Motor Vehicles), Austin, TX

                                          Saenz, Amadeo   Executive Director  (Texas Department of Transportation), Austin, TX

                                          Smith, Jason    (Harris County), Houston, TX

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                        For Bill/For Committee Substitute(C.S.S.B. 1742):

                                          Metzger, Luke   Director  (Environment Texas), Austin, TX

                                          Miller, Chris   Legislative Director  (AECT), Austin, TX

                                          Newell, Stephanie   Director Leg. Affairs  (NRG Energy), Austin, TX

                                          Pearson, Dan   Consultant  (NEXTERA Energy Resources), Austin, TX

                                          Peterson, Randall    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Richie, Jr., Carl S.   VP Gov't Affairs  (TXU Energy), Austin, TX

                                          Roche, Ken   VP Government Relations  (Gulf States Toyota), Houston, TX

                                          Shields, Chris   Lobbyist  (Toyota Motor Manufacturing), Austin, TX

                                          Weinberg, David   Executive Director  (Texas League of Conservation Voters), Austin, TX

                        On Bill/On Committee Substitute(C.S.S.B. 1742):

                                          Obregon, Vincent   Associate Vice President  (Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris

                                          County), Houston, TX
