Border & Intergovernmental Affairs Committee

            March 14, 2011 - 2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess


            HB 397


                                 Ahlenius, Steve (McAllen Chamber of Commerce)

                                 Lee, Dr. BJ (Self)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Barber, Kathy (NFIB)

                                 Figueroa, Luis (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF))

                                 Jimenez, Paul (San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce)

                                 Lippincott, Elizabeth (Texas Border Coalition)

                                 Nivin, Steve (SABER Institute St. Mary's University and San Antonio Hispanic Chamber)

            HB 1828


                                 Aguirre, Tony (Chairman McAllen Public Utility Board)

                                 Ahlenius, Steve (McAllen Chamber of Commerce)

                                 Amos, Charles (McAllen PUB)

                                 Barrera, Marcus (City of McAllen)

                                 Carr, Snapper (City of McAllen)

                                 Cortez, Richard (City of McAllen, TX)

                                 Kinerk, Nedra (Futuro McAllen Citizen Advocacy Group)

                                 Pagan, Kevin (City of McAllen, McAllen PUB)

                                 Perez, Mike R. (City of McAllen)

                                 Rochelle, Martin (City of McAllen)

                                 Townsend, George (Tavamaso Inc. and Virginia Townsend, Ind.)

                                 Williams, Ernie (McAllen PUB)


                                 Brand, Othal (Hidalgo County Water Imp. Dist. # 3)

                                 Ferris, Frank (Hidalgo County Water Improvement District No.3)

                                 Franz, John David (City of Hidalgo)

                                 Halbert, Wayne (Harlingen Irrigation District, Texas Irrigation Council, and Valley Manager's


                                 Jarvis, R Glenn (Hidalgo County W. I. Dist 3)

                                 McDaniel, Timothy (Self; Hidalgo County Farm Bureau)

                                 Nieto, Tito (United Irrigation District of Hidalgo County)

                                 Steldinger, Jimmie (Self; Donna Irrigation Dist)

                                 White, Jo Jo (Hidalgo and Cameron Counties Irrigation District No. 9 (Mercedes Irrigation



                                                                                    WITNESS LIST

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Townsend, Greg (Tavamaso Inc. and Virginia Townsend)


                                 Allen, Troy (Delta Lake Irrigation District)

                                 Barrera III, Joe (Brownsville Irrigation District)

                                 Hinojosa, Sonny (Hidalgo County Irrigation District No. 2)

                                 Howe, Billy (Texas Farm Bureau)

                                 Lambert, Sonia (Cameron County Irrigation District No.2)

                                 McDaniel, Rusty (Hidalgo County Irrigation District No. 1)

                                 Skaggs, Jason (Texas and Southwestern Cattleraisers Association)

                                 Zamora, Eddie (Self)
