Voter Identification & Voter Fraud, Select Committee

            March 1, 2011 - 8:00 AM


            SB 14 - Committee Substitute (Harless)


                                 Barnes, Elizabeth (Self)

                                 Bradford, Rebecca (Texas Federation of Republican Women)

                                 Buelter, Kenneth (Goliad County Republican Party)

                                 Carter, David (Self)

                                 Collins, Mary Ann (Self)

                                 Duerstine, Russ (Tom Green County G.O.P. and Election Support Association of T. G.


                                 Gorman, Diane (Self)

                                 Green, Robert (Self)

                                 Kitson, Carol (Self)

                                 Le Pori, Cynthia (Self)

                                 Marsalis, William (Butch) (Self; Panola County Conservatives)

                                 McClaugherty, Fern (Self)

                                 Smith, Tonja "Michelle" (Concerned Women for America)

                                 Thornton, Verona (Self)

                                 Townsend, Virginia (Self)

                                 Vera, Alan (Self)

                                 Vera, Colleen (Self)

                                 Wallace, B. R. (Skipper) (Texas Republican County Chairman's Association)

                                 Whitlock, Bea (Self)

                                 Williamson, Mark (Self)


                                 Bledsoe, Gary (Texas NAACP)

                                 DasGupta, Sumit (Network of Asian American Organizations)

                                 Figueroa, Luis (Mexican American Legal Defense & Educational Fund (MALDEF))

                                 Joseph, Andrew (Self)

                                 Ko, Ramey (Self)

                                 Levitt, Justin (Self)

                                 Privett, Anita (LWV - TX (League of Women Voters of Texas))

                                 Santana, Sonia (ACLU-TX)

                                 Wang, Tova (DEMOS)


                                 Davio, Rebecca (Department of Public Safety)

                                 Gomez, Jessica (Disability Rights Texas, formerly Advocacy, Inc.)

                                 Kemp, Brian (Self)

                                 Maxwell, David (Texas OAG (Office of the Attorney General))

                                 Mc Geehan, Ann (Elections Division - Office of Secretary of State)

                                 Moore, Toby (Self)

                                 O'Brien, John (Legislative Budget Board)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Ward, Chris (Self)

                                 Wheeler, Thomas (Self)

                                 Woods, John (Self; Graduate School, Student Government of the University of Texas at


                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Anderson, Erin (Self)

                                 Ayers, Pam (Self)

                                 Blakemore, Allen (Conservative Republicans of Texas)

                                 Burgess, Judith (Self)

                                 Burgess, Wayne (Self)

                                 Cassady, Bill (Self)

                                 Cassady, Leila (Self)

                                 Curry, Carol (Self)

                                 Dashiell, Toni Anne (Self)

                                 Dickerson, Gerald (Self)

                                 Doyle, William R. (Self)

                                 Edwards, Rosemary (Self)

                                 Engelbrecht, Catherine (King Street Patriots)

                                 Giacomazza, Robert (Self)

                                 Griffin, Travis (Republican Party of Texas)

                                 Hindelang, Paul (Self)

                                 Hotze, Steven (Conservative Republicans of Texas)

                                 Johnson, Cheryl (Gal Co. Tax Office)

                                 Landis, Donald (Self)

                                 Lindsey, Mack (Self)

                                 Lockhoof, Michelle (Self)

                                 Marler, John (Williamson County Liberty Alliance)

                                 Marsalis, Karen (Self; Panola County Republican Women)

                                 McCaig, Mark (Self)

                                 Moore, Bill (Organizing for Liberty, Inc. Sugarland, TX.)

                                 Rogers, Linda (Texas Republican Co. Chairmen's Assn.)

                                 Rousselot, Reid (Self)

                                 Saenz, Jonathan (Liberty Institute)

                                 Stair, Margy (Self)

                                 Stockbauer, Catherine (Self)

                                 Swift, Sheryl (Galveston County Tax Office)

                                 Tarver, Maudie (Self)

                                 Van der Pol, Kathryn (Self)

                                 Van der Pol, Sybren (Self)

                                 Vest, Linda (Self)

                                 Walker, Jim (Self)

                                 Ward, Jerri Lynn (Self)

                                 Ward, Robert (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Wright, Maggie (Self)


                                 Arabie, Joseph (Texas AFL-CIO)

                                 Brown, Mary (Self)

                                 Ekstrand, Tracy (Self)

                                 Fischer, Huey (Self)

                                 Flores, Juan (La Fe Policy Research and Education Center)

                                 Gutierrez, Anthony (Boyd Richie Texas Democratic Party)

                                 Haenschen, Katherine (Self)

                                 Hill, Kathleen (Self)

                                 Kaplan, Austin (Self; The Liberal Austin Democrats)

                                 Lara, Rene (Texas AFL-CIO)

                                 Meredith, Katrina (Self)

                                 Van Cleve, Genevieve (Capital Area Democratic Women)

                                 Weinberg, David (Texas League of Conservation Voters)
