Intergovernmental Relations

            June 14, 2012 10:00 AM

            Charge 3


                                 Bast, Cynthia  (Locke Lord LLP), Austin, TX

                                 Carriker, Steven  (Texas Association of Community Development Corps.), Austin, TX

                                 Cartwright, Debbie  Director, Property Tax Assistance Division (Comptroller of Public

                                 Accounts), Austin, TX

                                 Connolly, Jeff  Director of Asset Management (Enterprise Community Investment, Inc.),

                                 Columbia, MD

                                 Couch, Jot  (Texas Affiliation of Affordable Housing Providers, Texas Interfaith), Houston,


                                 Gonzalez, Jennifer  Executive Director (Alamo Area Mutual Housing Association), San

                                 Antonio, TX

                                 Gouris, Tom  (Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs), Austin, TX

                                 Robinson, Jim  Chief Appraiser, Harris CAD (Texas Assn of Appraisal Districts), Houston,


            Charge 4


                                 Dahill, John  General Counsel (Texas Conference of Urban Counties), Austin, TX

                                 Houston, Scott  General Counsel (Texas Municipal League), Austin, TX

                                 Redford, Susan  Ector County Judge (Ector County), Odessa, TX