Redistricting, Select
February 16, 2011 1:30 PM
Redistricting- Austin
Banks, Yannis State Staff (Texas NAACP), Austin, TX
Brown, Claudia L. Former City Council Member (Killeen) (Self; Researching Historically
African- American Communities of Simmonsville and Marlboro Heights), Killeen, TX
Coleman, Russell F. (Self), Dallas, TX
Davis, Ron Commissioner- Precinct 1- Travis County (Precinct 1), Austin, TX
Dukes, Rep. Dawnna Representative (Self), Pflugerville, TX
Escamilla, David A. Travis County Attorney (Self), Austin, TX
Faulk, John Citizen (Texans for Redistricting Reform), Houston, TX
Fernandez, Jr., Gavino Deputy Director (LULAC Dist. 12), Austin, TX
Hamilton, Greg Travis County Sheriff (Self), Austin, TX
Larsen, Yvonne (Citizen- Texans for Redistricting Reform), Houston, TX
Martinez, Mike Mayor Pro Tem (Self), Austin, TX
Pate, A. J. (also providing written testimony) (Self), Houston, TX
Privett, Anita Advocacy VP (also providing written testimony) (LWV- TX), Austin, TX
Stanley, Alfred (Self), Austin, TX
Tafoya, Marcelo LULAC District 12, Director (LULAC/ C.C.C.), Austin, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Hogan, Jerry County Judge (Rockwall County), Rockwall, TX
Providing written testimony:
Rumancok, Robin Austin Resident (Self), Austin, TX