Oversight of Higher Ed Governance, Excellence & Transparency
September 13, 2012 9:30 AM
Panel 1
Keyton, Sarah Team Manager, Higher Education (also providing written testimony)
(Legislative Budget Board (LBB)), Austin, TX
Paredes, PhD, Raymund Commissioner of Higher Education (also providing written
testimony) (Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB)), Austin, TX
Panel 2
Cigarroa, Francisco Chancellor (also providing written testimony) (The University of
Texas System), Austin, TX
Hance, Kent Chancellor (also providing written testimony) (Texas Tech University
System), Lubbock, TX
Jackson, Lee Chancellor (also providing written testimony) (University of North Texas
System), Dallas, TX
Sharp, John Chancellor (also providing written testimony) (Texas A&M University
System), College Station, TX
Panel 3
Dickey, Nancy President (also providing written testimony) (Texas A&M Health Science
Center), College Station, TX
Podolsky, Daniel President (also providing written testimony) (The University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas), Dallas, TX
Ransom, Scott President (also providing written testimony) (University of North Texas
Health Science Center at Fort Worth), Fort Worth, TX
Resource Witness
Estrada, Daniel Analyst (Legislative Budget Board (LBB)), Austin, TX