Amend SJR 2 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1) On page 1, line 15, between "economic stabilization fund" and "and the state", insert ", the foundation school fund,".
(2) On page 2, strike lines 7 and 8 and substitute:
comptroller shall allocate one-third to the economic stabilization fund, one-third to the foundation school fund, and the remainder to the state highway fund, except as provided
(3) On page 2, strike lines 15 through 18 and substitute:
reduce in equal proportions the amounts that otherwise would be allocated to the foundation school fund and to the state highway fund, as provided by Subsection (c-1) of this section, by the lesser of the total amounts of the allocations to those funds or the total amount necessary for the anticipated balance of the economic
(4) On page 2, strike lines 22 through 24 and substitute:
equal $6 billion. The comptroller shall allocate to the economic stabilization fund the total of the amounts by which the allocations to the foundation school fund and to the state highway fund are reduced under this subsection.
(5) On page 4, line 6, between "economic stabilization fund" and ", to provide for", insert ", to provide for the transfer of certain general revenue to the foundation school fund".
(6) On page 4, line 22, between "fund" and ", to provide for", insert ", to provide for the transfer of certain general revenue to the foundation school fund".