83S10064 CJC-D
  By: Harper-Brown H.J.R. No. 13
  proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the transfer of
  certain state revenue to the Texas Mobility Fund.
         SECTION 1.  Sections 49-g(c), (d), and (e), Article III,
  Texas Constitution, are amended to read as follows:
         (c)  Not later than the 90th day of each fiscal year, the
  comptroller of public accounts shall transfer from general revenue
  to the economic stabilization fund and the Texas Mobility Fund the
  amounts prescribed by Subsections (d) and (e) of this section.
  However, if necessary, the comptroller shall reduce
               (1)  the amounts transferred to the economic
  stabilization fund to prevent the amount in the fund from exceeding
  the limit in effect for that biennium under Subsection (g) of this
  section; and
               (2)  the amounts transferred to the Texas Mobility Fund
  to prevent an amount that exceeds $600 million from being
  transferred to that fund in a state fiscal year.
         (d)  Subject to the limitations prescribed by Subsection (c)
  of this section, if [If] in the preceding year the state received
  from oil production taxes a net amount greater than the net amount
  of oil production taxes received by the state in the fiscal year
  ending August 31, 1987, the comptroller shall transfer to the
  economic stabilization fund an amount equal to 50 [75] percent of
  the difference between those amounts and shall transfer to the
  Texas Mobility Fund an amount equal to 25 percent of the difference
  between those amounts. The comptroller shall retain the remaining
  25 percent of the difference as general revenue. In computing the
  net amount of oil production taxes received, the comptroller may
  not consider refunds paid as a result of oil overcharge litigation.
         (e)  Subject to the limitations prescribed by Subsection (c)
  of this section, if [If] in the preceding year the state received
  from gas production taxes a net amount greater than the net amount
  of gas production taxes received by the state in the fiscal year
  ending August 31, 1987, the comptroller shall transfer to the
  economic stabilization fund an amount equal to 50 [75] percent of
  the difference between those amounts and shall transfer to the
  Texas Mobility Fund an amount equal to 25 percent of the difference
  between those amounts. The comptroller shall retain the remaining
  25 percent of the difference as general revenue. For the purposes
  of this subsection, the comptroller shall adjust the comptroller's
  [his] computation of revenues to reflect only 12 months of
         SECTION 2.  The following temporary provision is added to
  the Texas Constitution:
         TEMPORARY PROVISION. (a) This temporary provision applies
  to the constitutional amendment proposed by the 83rd Legislature,
  1st Called Session, 2013, providing for the transfer of certain
  state revenue to the Texas Mobility Fund.
         (b)  The amendment to Sections 49-g(c), (d), and (e), Article
  III, of this constitution takes effect January 1, 2014, and applies
  to a state fiscal year beginning on or after September 1, 2014.
         (c)  This temporary provision expires January 1, 2015.
         SECTION 3.  This proposed constitutional amendment shall be
  submitted to the voters at an election to be held November 5, 2013.
  The ballot shall be printed to permit voting for or against the
  proposition: "The constitutional amendment providing for the
  transfer of certain state revenue to the Texas Mobility Fund."