83S10240 KEK-D
  By: Bohac H.R. No. 78
         WHEREAS, Mike Falick retired as vice president of the Spring
  Branch Independent School District Board of Trustees in May 2013,
  drawing to a close a notable tenure with the board that spanned
  nearly a decade; and
         WHEREAS, Since joining the board in 2004, Mr. Falick served
  two terms each as president and vice president, and he was the
  legislative liaison for his entire nine years; moreover, he has
  contributed his expertise as liaison for facilities, curriculum,
  technology, administration, and community relations; and
         WHEREAS, This dynamic Texan was instrumental in a number of
  initiatives to improve the quality of education for all students,
  including changes to homework policies, state-administered
  testing, and class rank; he also advocated for Spring Branch to
  become the top district for college readiness in Texas, now a
  central pillar of its five-year plan; in addition, he was president
  during the largest successful bond election in the district's
  history, which passed with 60 percent of the vote and has
  facilitated extensive rebuilding and renovation efforts; and
         WHEREAS, Through his skill, professionalism, and vision,
  Mike Falick greatly benefited Spring Branch ISD, and his devotion
  to the cause of public education has earned him the admiration and
  gratitude of his fellow citizens; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature, 1st Called Session, hereby congratulate Mike Falick on
  his retirement from the Spring Branch Independent School District
  and extend to him sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Falick as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.