83S10793 BPG-D
  By: Flynn H.R. No. 251
         WHEREAS, Colonel (Ret.) Kimberly Olson, chief executive
  officer of Grace After Fire, has contributed immeasurably to the
  well-being of female combat veterans; and
         WHEREAS, A member of the first generation of female pilots in
  the United States Air Force, Colonel Olson helped change
  perceptions of women in the military over the course of a career
  spanning 25 years; in her current role, she assists fellow veterans
  in making successful transitions from the armed forces to civilian
  life; and
         WHEREAS, Grace After Fire facilitates access to health and
  support services, sponsors retreats for veterans and their
  families, and hosts a peer-to-peer outreach, "Color Me Camo," that
  is approved by the Texas Department of State Health Services; under
  the leadership of Colonel Olson, the organization has worked to aid
  more than 2,000 women in overcoming PTSD, traumatic brain injury,
  and other challenges resulting from their service to our country;
  she also advocates frequently for public policy that benefits
  female veterans, and she provided key testimony before the Texas
  Veterans Commission, which decided to create a program to assist
  female veterans in obtaining support services at the federal,
  state, and community levels; and
         WHEREAS, Through her dedication to the mission of Grace After
  Fire, Colonel Olson is making a positive difference in the lives of
  female veterans and their families, and it is indeed fitting to
  honor her for her far-reaching accomplishments; now, therefore, be
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature, 1st Called Session, hereby commend Colonel (Ret.)
  Kimberly Olson for her achievements as chief executive officer of
  Grace After Fire and extend to her sincere best wishes for continued
  success in her important endeavors; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Colonel Olson as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.