Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  On page 10, line 8, between "physician" and the underlined semicolon, insert the following:
(A)  has the ability to:
(i)  assess the duration of the pregnancy accurately; and
(ii)  diagnose an ectopic pregnancy;
(B)  is capable of providing surgical intervention in the case of an incomplete abortion or severe bleeding or has made arrangements for another qualified physician to provide the care described by this paragraph and has documented those arrangements in the woman's medical record;
(C)  is able to assure patient access to a medical facility equipped to provide a blood transfusion and resuscitation; and
(D)  has read and understood the prescribing information for the use of the abortion-inducing drug as provided by the drug manufacturer in accordance with the requirements of the United States Food and Drug Administration
(2)  On page 10, strike lines 14-18 and substitute the following:
(b)  A person may provide, prescribe, or administer the abortion-inducing drug:
(1)  in the dosage amount prescribed by the clinical management guidelines defined by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Practice Bulletin as those guidelines existed on January 1, 2013; or
(2)  according to an evidence-based regimen.
(3)  Strike page 10, line 24, through page 11, line 8, and substitute the following:
(d)  The physician who gives, sells, dispenses, administers, provides, or prescribes an abortion-inducing drug shall:
(1)  fully explain the procedure to the pregnant woman, including:
(A)  explaining whether the physician is using the abortion-inducing drug:
(i)  in accordance with the United States Food and Drug Administration regimen described on the final printed label;
(ii)  in a dosage amount described by Subsection (b)(1); or
(iii)  in accordance with an evidence-based regimen; and
(B)  if using the dosage amount described by Subsection (b)(1) or an evidence-based regimen:
(i)  specifying that the dosage or regimen used differs from the United States Food and Drug Administration dosage or regimen described on the final printed label; and
(ii)  providing detailed information on the dosage or regimen being used;
(2)  provide the pregnant woman with:
(A)  the final printed label of the abortion-inducing drug;
(B)  a copy of the drug manufacturer's medication guide for the abortion-inducing drug;
(C)  a copy of the drug manufacturer's patient agreement; and
(D)  a telephone number by which the woman may reach the physician, or other health care personnel employed by the physician or by the facility at which the abortion was performed with access to the woman's relevant medical records, 24 hours a day to request assistance for any complications that arise from the administration or use of the abortion-inducing drug or ask health-related questions regarding the administration or use of the abortion-inducing drug;
(3)  obtain the patient's signature for and sign the patient agreement described by Subdivision (2)(C); and
(4)  record the drug manufacturer's package serial number in the woman's medical record.