83S20432 BK-D
  By: Sanford H.R. No. 97
         WHEREAS, Walker Yates of Frisco is marking a special
  milestone in his life on August 18, 2013, when he celebrates his
  very first birthday; and
         WHEREAS, The adorable son of Jeff and Stephanie Yates, Walker
  was born prematurely at just 28 weeks and faced serious
  complications; fortunate to receive the care of a skilled medical
  team at Presbyterian Hospital of Plano, Walker and his mother were
  also supported by a devoted circle of family, friends, coworkers,
  and clergy, who offered heartfelt prayers for their strength and
  survival; and
         WHEREAS, After 74 days in the neonatal intensive care unit,
  Walker was released from the hospital, beginning an exciting new
  chapter for the Yates family; Walker has since experienced
  remarkable growth and change, and watching him discover the many
  wonders around him has become a favorite pastime of his loved ones;
         WHEREAS, While the birth of a child is always a miraculous
  event, Walker's early arrival and precarious first weeks made his
  journey especially extraordinary, and it is indeed a pleasure to
  honor him on this joyous occasion; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature, 2nd Called Session, hereby congratulate Walker Yates
  on his first birthday and extend to him sincere best wishes for a
  bright and promising future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the Yates family as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.