By: Nichols S.R. No. 108
         BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the State of Texas, 83rd
  Legislature, 2nd Called Session, 2013, That Senate Rule 12.03 be
  suspended in part as provided by Senate Rule 12.08 to enable the
  conference committee appointed to resolve the differences on
  House Bill 16 (the creation and functions of legislative select
  committees on transportation funding, expenditures, and finance
  and to the preservation of a sufficient balance in the economic
  stabilization fund) to consider and take action on the following
         (1)  Senate Rules 12.03(1) and (2) are suspended to permit
  the committee to change, alter, amend, and omit text which is not
  in disagreement in Section 1 of the bill to read as follows:
         SECTION 1.  (a)  The speaker of the house of
  representatives shall appoint nine members to a House Select
  Committee on Transportation Funding, Expenditures, and Finance
  and designate one member as chair. The lieutenant governor shall
  appoint nine members to a Senate Select Committee on
  Transportation Funding, Expenditures, and Finance and designate
  one member as chair. The speaker and lieutenant governor shall
  make the appointments not later than November 30, 2013.
         (b)  The committees established under this section may
  meet separately at the call of the chair of the committee or
  jointly at the call of both chairs. In joint meetings, the chairs
  shall act as joint chairs.
         (c)  The committees established under this section,
  meeting separately or jointly, shall review, study, and
               (1)  the future reliability of all current state
  transportation funding sources;
               (2)  alternatives that may increase available state
  funding for surface transportation, including an examination of
  increases to current surface-transportation-related funding
  streams and possible diversions of
  non-surface-transportation-related funding streams toward
  surface transportation funding;
               (3)  the use of debt financing in state
  transportation funding, including the uses of the Texas Mobility
  Fund, and the effects on long-term transportation planning of
  using debt financing;
               (4)  alternative transportation funding options in
  use nationally and internationally;
               (5)  current and historic appropriations to the
  Texas Department of Transportation, including:
                     (A)  whether that agency's budget structure
  best maximizes the application of limited public funds toward
  highway maintenance and construction;
                     (B)  whether there are opportunities to reduce
  the use of money from the state highway fund by that agency for
  activities not related to highway maintenance and construction,
  including such uses as employee salaries and benefits; and
                     (C)  possible benefits of developing a budget
  for that agency for the 2016-2017 state fiscal biennium using
  zero-based budgeting principles;
               (6)  the uses of the state highway fund for agencies
  other than the Texas Department of Transportation, including and
  emphasizing the use of that fund for the Department of Public
  Safety of the State of Texas; and
               (7)  the original purpose of the economic
  stabilization fund established by Section 49-g, Article III,
  Texas Constitution, whether that purpose remains relevant, and
  whether it remains appropriate to continue using the net amount
  of oil and gas production taxes received in the 1987 state fiscal
  year as the basis for making general revenue transfers to the
  economic stabilization fund.
         (d)  Following consideration of the factors described by
  Subsection (c) of this section, the committees established under
  this section shall jointly adopt recommendations related to the
  reviewed subjects and shall provide a written report of the
  committees' recommendations on the reviewed subjects to the
  legislature not later than November 1, 2014.
         (e)  The committees established under this section may
  exercise any power of a committee of their respective chambers
  and any powers of a joint committee. For the purposes of this
  Act, the committees established under this section are
  considered a joint committee and the cost of operation of each
  committee may be borne in the same manner as the cost of a joint
  committee. The Texas Legislative Council may provide funding for
  the operations of the committees. To the extent not inconsistent
  with this resolution, the joint rules adopted by the 83rd
  Legislature for the administration of joint interim legislative
  study committees apply to the committees established under this
         (f)  This section expires January 13, 2015.
         Explanation: The change is necessary to replace the joint
  committee and study regarding the economic stabilization fund
  included as provided by each chamber's version of the bill with
  select committees to study the matters described by Section 1 of
  the bill and to provide for the expiration of the select
         (2)  Senate Rule 12.03(4) is suspended to permit the
  committee to add text on a matter which is not included in either
  the House or Senate version of the bill to read as follows:
         SECTION 2.  (a)  Chapter 316, Government Code, is amended
  by adding Subchapter H to read as follows:
         Sec. 316.091.  DEFINITION. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Board" means the Legislative Budget Board.
               (2)  "Fund" means the economic stabilization fund.
  (a)  For the purposes of Section 49-g(c-2), Article III, Texas
  Constitution, before the board submits the budget as prescribed
  by Section 322.008(c), the board shall determine and adopt for
  the next state fiscal biennium a sufficient balance of the fund
  in an amount that the board estimates will ensure an appropriate
  amount of revenue available in the fund. In determining the
  sufficient balance for each that fiscal biennium, the board shall
               (1)  the history of fund balances;
               (2)  the history of transfers to the fund;
               (3)  estimated fund balances during that fiscal
               (4)  estimated transfers to the fund to occur during
  that fiscal biennium;
               (5)  information available to the board regarding
  state highway congestion and funding demands; and
               (6)  any other information requested by the board
  regarding the state's financial condition.
         (b)  On or before October 1 of each even-numbered year,
  the comptroller shall provide to the board the comptroller's
  projection of the amounts to be transferred to the fund during
  the next state fiscal biennium.
  TO FUND AND STATE HIGHWAY FUND. (a)  Before the comptroller
  makes transfers for a state fiscal year in accordance with
  Section 49-g(c), Article III, Texas Constitution, the
  comptroller shall determine whether the sum of the balance of the
  fund on the preceding August 31, any projected transfer to the
  fund under Sections 49-g(b) of that article, and any projected
  transfer to the fund under Section 49-g(c) of that article in
  accordance with the allocations for the transfer as provided by
  Section 49-g(c-1) of that article is less than the sufficient
  balance adopted under Section 316.092.
         (b)  If the sum described by Subsection (a) is less than
  the sufficient balance adopted under Section 316.092, the
  comptroller shall adjust the allocation of amounts to be
  transferred to the fund and to the state highway fund as provided
  by Section 49-g(c), Article III, Texas Constitution, so that:
               (1)  the amount allocated for transfer to the fund is
  increased by an additional amount equal to the lesser of the
  remaining one-half of the sum of the amounts allocated for
  transfer under Sections 49-g (d) and (e) of that article or the
  amount necessary for the sufficient balance to be reached when
  considered together with other estimated transfers to the fund
  during the then-current fiscal year; and
               (2)  the amount allocated for transfer to the state
  highway fund is reduced by the amount of the increased allocation
  to the fund under Subdivision (1).
         (c)  If the board has not adopted under Section 316.092 a
  sufficient balance for the comptroller to consider under this
  section, the comptroller shall adjust the allocation of amounts
  to be transferred to the fund and to the state highway fund as
  provided by Section 49-g(c), Article III, Texas Constitution, so
  that the total of those amounts are transferred to the economic
  stabilization fund, except that the comptroller shall reduce a
  transfer made under this subsection as necessary to prevent the
  amount in the fund from exceeding the limit in effect for that
  biennium under Section 49-g(g) of that article.
         (d)  As soon as practicable after the effective date of
  this section, the board shall determine and adopt a sufficient
  balance of the fund applicable to the transfers to be made under
  Section 49-g(c), Article III, Texas Constitution, for the state
  fiscal year beginning September 1, 2014, and a sufficient balance
  of the fund applicable to the transfers to be made under that
  section for the next fiscal biennium. The comptroller may not
  make the transfers required under that section for the state
  fiscal year beginning September 1, 2014, until the board has
  adopted a sufficient balance under this subsection. However, if
  the board has not adopted the balance before the 30th day after
  the effective date of this section, the comptroller shall make
  that transfer on the 30th day after the effective date of this
  section in accordance with Subsection (c) of this section. This
  subsection expires September 1, 2015.
         (b)  This section takes effect immediately on the final
  canvass of the election on the constitutional amendment proposed
  by the 83rd Legislature, 2nd Called Session, 2013, to provide for
  the transfer of certain general revenue to the economic
  stabilization fund and the state highway fund and for the
  dedication of the revenue transferred to the state highway fund,
  but only if that amendment is approved by the voters. If that
  amendment is not approved by the voters, this Act has no effect.
         Explanation: The change is necessary to provide a general
  law procedure for allocation of certain amounts to be transferred
  under Section 49-g, Article III, Texas Constitution, as would be
  required if the constitutional amendment proposed by House Joint
  Resolution No. 2 is approved by the voters.
         (3)  Senate Rules 12.03(1) and (3) are suspended to permit
  the committee to change, alter, amend, and add text on a matter
  which is not in disagreement to read as follows:
         SECTION 3.  Except as otherwise provided by this Act:
               (1)  this Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution; and
               (2)  if this Act does not receive the vote necessary
  for immediate effect, this Act takes effect on the 91st day after
  the last day of the legislative session.
         Explanation: The change is necessary to allow for the
  select committees provided for to begin functioning earlier and
  to provide for a contingent effective date for the general law
  procedure, as provided by the bill, for allocation of certain
  amounts to be transferred under Section 49-g, Article III, Texas
  Constitution, as would be required if the constitutional
  amendment proposed by House Joint Resolution No. 2 is approved by
  the voters.
        President of the Senate
         I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on July 29, 2013, by
    the following vote:  Yeas 21,
  Nays 2.
        Secretary of the Senate