Amend CSHB 1 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  Strike page 3, line 17, through page 4, line 2, and substitute the following:
(d)  When the select committee has adopted under Subsection (b) the amount of the sufficient balance of the fund for a state fiscal biennium, the matter of approving that amount shall be presented to each house of the legislature in a concurrent resolution during the next succeeding regular legislative session. The resolution must be presented for a vote in each house of the legislature not later than the 30th day of that legislative session, must be approved by a vote of a majority of the members of each house, and must be finally approved by each house not later than the 45th day of that legislative session. If a resolution finally approved under this subsection is amended during the legislative process to provide for a different sufficient balance of the fund than that adopted under Subsection (b), that different balance is the sufficient balance adopted under this section for purposes of Section 316.093. If a resolution finally approved under this subsection does not provide for a different sufficient balance of the fund or if a resolution is not finally approved as provided by this subsection, the sufficient balance adopted under Subsection (b) is the sufficient balance adopted under this section for purposes of Section 316.093.
(2)  On page 5, line 16, immediately following the period, insert the following:
The process described by Section 316.092(d) does not apply to those transfers.