Amend CSHB 4 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  On page 17, between lines 4 and 5, insert the following:
(l)  The advisory committee shall make recommendations to the board regarding information to be posted on the board's Internet website under Section 15.441(b).
(2)  On page 17, line 15, strike "REPORT." and substitute "REPORTING AND TRANSPARENCY REQUIREMENTS. (a)".
(3)  On page 17, between lines 20 and 21, insert the following:
(b)  The board shall post the following information on the board's Internet website regarding the use of the fund and regularly update the information posted:
(1)  the progress made in developing needed water supply statewide and for the benefit of each regional water planning area;
(2)  for each regional water planning area, a description of each project funded through bonds supported by a bond enhancement agreement entered into under Section 15.435, including:
(A)  the amount of bonds issued and the terms of the bonds;
(B)  a summary of the terms of the bond enhancement agreement;
(C)  the status of repayment of any loan provided in connection with the project, including an assessment of the risk of default based on a standard risk rating system;
(D)  the check register for the project;
(E)  the expected date of completion of the project; and
(F)  the current status of the project;
(3)  a description of the investment portfolio of the fund;
(4)  the expenses incurred in investing money in the fund;
(5)  the rate of return on the investment of money in the fund;
(6)  a description of the point system for prioritizing projects established as well as the points awarded for each funded project by the board under Section 15.438(b);
(7)  any non-confidential application information submitted on approved projects for funding by the board;
(8)  the administrative and operating expenses incurred by the board in developing the state water plan and providing financial assistance for projects included in the plan; and
(9)  any other information required by board rule.
(4)  Add the following appropriately numbered SECTION to the bill and renumber the subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
SECTION ____. The Texas Water Development Board shall post the information described by Section 15.441(b), Water Code, as added by this Act, on the board's Internet website not later than March 1, 2014.