Amend Floor Amendment No. 65 to CSHB 5 by Menéndez (page 95 of the amendment packet) on page 1 of the amendment, line 1, by striking the text after "Amend" and substituting the following:
CSHB 5 as follows:
(1) On page 22, line 11, strike "and (c-3)" and substitute "(c-3), and (h)".
(2) On page 24, between lines 27 and 28, insert the following:
(h) The agency shall notify school districts and campuses of the results of assessment instruments administered under this section at the earliest possible date determined by the State Board of Education but not later than the beginning of the subsequent school year. The school district shall disclose to each district teacher the results of assessment instruments administered to students taught by the teacher in the subject for the school year in which the assessment instrument is administered.