Amend CSHB 5 (senate committee report) as follows:
(1) Add the following appropriately numbered SECTION to the bill:
SECTION ____. Subchapter B, Chapter 39, Education Code, is amended by adding Section 39.0238 to read as follows:
Sec. 39.0238. ADOPTION AND ADMINISTRATION OF POSTSECONDARY READINESS ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS. (a) In addition to other assessment instruments adopted and developed under this subchapter, the agency shall adopt or develop appropriate postsecondary readiness assessment instruments for Algebra II and English III that a school district may administer at the district's option.
(b) To the extent practicable, the agency shall ensure that each postsecondary readiness assessment instrument:
(1) assesses essential knowledge and skills and growth;
(2) is developed in a manner that measures a student's performance under the college readiness standards established under Section 28.008; and
(3) is validated by national postsecondary education experts for college readiness content and performance standards.
(c) In adopting a schedule for the administration of postsecondary readiness assessment instruments under this section, the State Board of Education shall require the annual administration of the postsecondary readiness assessment instruments to occur not earlier than the second full week in May.
(d) The agency shall adopt a policy requiring each school district that elects to administer postsecondary readiness assessment instruments under Subsection (a) to annually:
(1) administer the applicable postsecondary readiness assessment instrument to each student enrolled in a course for which a postsecondary readiness assessment instrument is adopted or developed under Subsection (a), including applied Algebra II; and
(2) report the results of the postsecondary readiness assessment instruments to the agency.
(e) The agency shall annually deliver a report to the governor, the lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the presiding officers of the standing committees of the legislature with jurisdiction over public education. The report must include a summary of student performance on the preceding year's postsecondary readiness assessment instruments.
(f) The results of a postsecondary readiness assessment instrument administered under this section shall not be used by:
(1) the agency for accountability purposes for a school campus or school district;
(2) a school district for teacher evaluation purposes; or
(3) an institution of higher education for admission purposes.
(g) The agency shall acknowledge a school district that elects to administer the postsecondary readiness assessment instruments as provided by Subsection (a).
(2) In SECTION 52 of the bill, in the recital (page 27, line 61), strike "Subsection (i)" and substitute "Subsections (i) and (q-1)".
(3) In SECTION 52 of the bill, in amended Section 51.3062, Education Code (page 28, between lines 6 and 7), insert the following:
(q-1) A student who has [completed a recommended or advanced high school program as determined under Section 28.025 and] demonstrated the performance standard for college readiness as provided by Section 39.024 on the postsecondary readiness assessment instruments adopted under Section 39.0238 for Algebra II and English III [end-of-course assessment instruments] is exempt from the requirements of this section with respect to those content areas. The commissioner of higher education by rule shall establish the period for which an exemption under this subsection is valid.
(4) In SECTION 57 of the bill, in amended Section 56.3041(a)(2)(A)(ii), Education Code (page 30, line 32), strike "or[,] (q)[, or (q-1)]" and substitute ", (q), or (q-1)".
(5) In SECTION 66 of the bill, at the end of Subsection (a)(4), repealing Section 39.0242, Education Code (page 34, line 42), insert "and".
(6) In SECTION 66 of the bill, in Subsection (a)(5), repealing Sections 39.025(a-3) and (b-2), Education Code (page 34, line 43), strike "; and" and insert a period.
(7) In SECTION 66 of the bill, strike Subsection (a)(6), repealing Section 51.3062(q-1), Education Code (page 34, line 44).
(8) Renumber SECTIONS of the bill accordingly.