Amend CSHB 75 (house committee report) as follows:
(1)  Strike page 2, line 12, through page 3, line 2, and substitute the following:
(4-b)  For purposes of Subdivision (4-a), the term "closed circuit television or still camera system" does not include:
(A)  a device or system of devices that is used exclusively:
(i)  to view or monitor traffic conditions on public roads;
(ii)  to detect motor vehicle violations on public roads;
(iii)  for telephone or video conferencing;
(iv)  to monitor a manufacturing process;
(v)  for a medical purpose by medical practitioners;
(vi)  by a courtroom reporter for recording or archiving depositions or testimony;
(vii)  in the course of an ongoing investigation, when installed by and remaining under the control of a licensed investigations company; or
(viii)  by a law enforcement agency to monitor criminal activity; or
(B)  a camera that, for the purpose of enabling videoconferencing, is integrated with or attached to:
(i)  a wireless communication device that is capable of using a commercial mobile service, as defined by 47 U.S.C. Section 332;
(ii)  computer equipment, as defined by Section 361.952, Health and Safety Code; or
(iii)  a television, as defined by Section 361.952, Health and Safety Code.
(2)  On page 4, line 9, between "device" and "or", insert ", a closed circuit television or still camera system,".
(3)  On page 4, line 10, after the underlined period, insert "An alarm systems company may not rekey an electronic access control device or lock that can be activated by a key.".
(4)  On page 6, line 5, between "device" and "or" insert ", a closed circuit television or still camera system,".
(5)  On page 9, line 10, strike "or" and substitute "[or]".
(6)  On page 9, line 12, strike "[or]" and substitute "or".
(7)  On page 9, between lines 12 and 13, insert the following:
(F)  National Credit Union Administration;
(8)  On page 9, line 14, strike "or".
(9)  On page 9, line 20, between "company" and the period, insert the following:
(19)  a real estate trade association or other private entity that engages in the collection and dissemination of information regarding real property available for sale that may be accessed only by authorized participants, and that does not otherwise perform a locksmith service;
(20)  a towing company or other business that unlocks a vehicle at the request of the owner or operator of the vehicle and that does not otherwise perform a locksmith service; or
(21)  an automobile club that holds a certificate of authority under Chapter 722, Transportation Code