Amend HB 97 (senate committee printing) as follows:
(1)  Strike the heading to Article 1 of the bill (page 1, line 33) and renumber the SECTIONS of Article 1 of the bill accordingly.
(2)  In SECTION 1.08 of the bill relating to the applicability of Article 1 (page 3, line 46) strike "article" and substitute "Act".
(3)  In SECTION 1.08 of the bill relating to the applicability of Article 1 (page 3, line 48) strike "article" and substitute "Act".
(4)  In SECTION 1.09 of the bill providing the effective date for Article 1 (page 3, line 49) strike "article" and substitute "Act".
(5)  In SECTION 1.09 of the bill providing the effective date for Article 1 (page 3, line 57) strike "article" and substitute "Act".
(6)  Strike Article 2 of the bill (page 3, line 58, through page 4, line 13).