Amend HB 437 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  On page 1, lines 9 and 10, strike "[, and eligible nonprofit organizations]" and substitute ", and eligible nonprofit organizations".
(2)  On page 1, line 12, between "grants" and "on the advice", insert "under this section".
(3)  On page 1, lines 15 through 20, strike "[for the following purposes:
[(1)     to develop, support, or expand programs of nonprofit organizations that meet the requirements of Section 134.005 and that prepare low-income students for careers in high-demand occupations;
[(2)]" and substitute "for the following purposes:
(1)  to develop, support, or expand programs of nonprofit organizations that meet the requirements of Section 134.005 and that prepare low-income students for careers in high-demand occupations; and
(2) ".
(4)  On page 2, lines 3 and 4, strike "Sections 134.001(1), 134.005, and 134.007, Education Code, are repealed." and substitute "Section 134.007, Education Code, is repealed.".