Amend CSHB 788 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  Strike page 2, lines 21-24, and substitute:
(d)  The commission shall provide an opportunity for a public hearing and the submission of public comment on an application for a permit subject to the rules adopted under this section.
(e)  Not later than the 30th day after the date of issuance of a draft permit authorizing greenhouse gas emissions, a party may submit to the commission any legitimate issue of material fact regarding whether the choice of technology approved in the draft permit is the best available control technology and may request a contested case hearing before the commission on the issue. If a party requests a contested case hearing under this subsection, the commission shall conduct a contested case hearing and issue a final order issuing or denying the permit not later than the 90th day after the date of issuance of the draft permit.
(f)  The commission shall send notice of a decision on an application for a permit subject to the rules adopted under this section in the manner provided by Section 382.0562.
(g)  A person affected by a decision of the commission to issue or deny a permit may move for rehearing and is entitled to judicial review under Section 382.032.
(2)  On page 2, line 25, strike "(e)" and substitute "(h)".