Amend HB 1272 (house committee report) on page 3 by striking lines 8 through 18 and substituting the following:
(6)  work with the Texas Education Agency, the Department of Family and Protective Services, and the Health and Human Services Commission to:
(A)  develop a list of key indicators that a person is a victim of human trafficking;
(B)  develop a standardized curriculum for training doctors, nurses, emergency medical services personnel, teachers, school counselors, school administrators, and personnel from the Department of Family and Protective Services and the Health and Human Services Commission to identify and assist victims of human trafficking;
(C)  train doctors, nurses, emergency medical services personnel, teachers, school counselors, school administrators, and personnel from the Department of Family and Protective Services and the Health and Human Services Commission to identify and assist victims of human trafficking;
(D)  develop and conduct training for personnel from the Department of Family and Protective Services and the Health and Human Services Commission on methods for identifying children in foster care who may be at risk of becoming victims of human trafficking; and
(E)  develop a process for referring identified human trafficking victims and individuals at risk of becoming victims to appropriate entities for services;